Silver enums don't support methods?

Swift supports static and mutating methods associated with enumerations. Here is code that works in xCode.
But in Fire v, it results in compile time error “No matching overload”.

enum Device {
   case AppleWatch, iPad, iPhone
   static func fromSlang(term: String) -> Device? {
       if term == "iWatch" {
           return .AppleWatch
       return nil


print (Device.fromSlang("iWatch")) <--- No matching overload in Silver. 

It should return -> Device.AppleWatch

Detailed error message: error E399: No overloaded method “fromSlang” with 1 parameter on type “MainActivity!.Device”

Sounds like a bug. Which platform are you compiling for, or does this happen on all three?

Thanks, logged as bugs://74176

Compiling for Java/android

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bugs://74176 got closed with status fixed.