Silver equivalent to Swift's .Type

Is there such a thing?

I have a function which returns a type, as follows:

public class func classForType(_ type: Int) -> BaseClass.Type? {
    var deviceType: BaseClass.Type? = nil
    switch type {
    case 1:
        deviceType = Subclass1.self
    case 2:
        deviceType = Subclass2.self
    // ...
    return deviceType

I always get confused by that .Type actually is supposed to represent. But afaik, there’s .Type on the class name, .dynamicType on distances, both are the same as the all-languages typeOf() function.

My original post wasn’t clear: the code snippet works in Swift but does not in Silver. It’s as if Silver didn’t know what .Type was.

Hm, ok. what platform, Java?

Didn’t work in Toffee (I’d like to use it for both Toffee and Cooper, down the line).

Thanks, logged as bugs://81802