Silver: Self? in protocols results in inability to conform to them

IDE: Fire
Self requirement is also not yet supported. (Created this topic, so that you can log it as bug and then I can get notified when it will be resolved)

Reference code:

public protocol PlainGridBreadthFirstEnumeratable: Hashable {
	#if !COOPER
	func topSibling() -> Self?
	func rightSibling() -> Self?
	func bottomSibling() -> Self?
	func leftSibling() -> Self?
	//silver toolchain has problem with Self?: it will never see the implementation, concrete type until fixed
	func topSibling() -> TileID?
	func rightSibling() -> TileID?
	func bottomSibling() -> TileID?
	func leftSibling() -> TileID?

We got some known issues there that we are still looking into, yes. Thanx for the report.

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