Starting to use Fire, one little annoyance

I’m using Fire on my mac mini alongside my Windows 10 desktop, sharing a monitor and a wireless keyboard/mouse combo via a USB switching device.

The one thing in Fire that is annoying is that the ‘End’ and ‘Home’ keys work differently than in VS. I use them all the time when coding to get to the start and end of a source code line. In Fire, it seems that Home and End go to the beginning and end of the currently open source file, instead of beginning and end of current line.

Could this be a configurable option?

Not really/easily.

This is standard Mac behavior, and extends to a dozen of other keys that also behave slightly different. You’ll ghit the problem no matter where else you edit text ion the Mac, and I’m not sure if making Fire (even optionally) work like a Windows app is the right “fix” — it seems it would only delay the pain of having getting to used to the Mac standards?

Also, where would we draw the line — literally everything is slightly different, for example, the Mac uses Cmd instead for Ctrl for standard shortcuts. Would we map those to Ctrl as well?

But I’ll sleep on this and see what I can come up with.

OK, fair enough, but answer me this then.

Is there a key combo on the Mac to get to the beginning and/or end of the current line in any editor?


Also check out


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Q: Does Fire use text input processing that is subject to macOS keybindings ?

I forget the proper term for it, and the precise mechanics of its operation/configuration, but there is (or was) a text file you can edit in the system to remap bindings system wide. That provides an option for people who sometimes use their Mac but mostly use Windows to make their Mac a bit more accessible.

Does Fire use this system (frustrating not all apps do, so although the system is system-wide the effects aren’t necessarily - Does Karabiner or similar provide any better solution ? I’ve not tried hard enough to find out, I just know it exists).

Not everyone is in a position where they need/want to transition completely from Windows to Mac, but are in a situation where they use a Mac occasionally and Windows most of the time. I was there but have since decided simply to try to get used to both. I have to say though, I feel like I now (3+ years on) spend a lot more time faffing about trying to remember - and correcting mistakes as a result of failing - when I am working on a Mac vs Windows vs Windows in a VM on a Mac (there seem to be some subtle differences in that scenario that I’ve yet to even put a finger on). :frowning:

I wish I could just switch 100% to Mac, but that simply isn’t going to happen any time soon.