Suffix() not implemented

I am getting this error, I may be wrong but it looks like the prefix and suffix functions may not be public in String_Extensions in the base library. If I am right can this be fixed?

// Subscripts
func prefix(through: Index) → NativeString {
return self[…through] // E119 Cannot use the unary operator “…” on type “extension String.Index”

func prefix(upTo: Index) → NativeString {
return self[…<upTo] // E119 Cannot use the unary operator “…<” on type “extension String.Index”

func suffix(from: Index) → NativeString {
return self[from…]

yup, missing the public keyword. I’ll fix.

Is this now fixed in .2545?

I’m afraid not yet :(. I’ll bump its priority to make sure fit gets addressed this coming week — my apologies for there delay.

84684: Swift: can’t call suffix extension method