Sugar-develop and watchOS problem

If I try to compile Sugar-developer downloaded from Github the following error occurs:

Error 33 (GetTargetSDKType) No matching version of watchOS has been found that is supported by both your local .fx files (supported versions are: 3.0) and the active version of Xcode (supported versions are: 2.2). C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\RemObjects Software\Elements\RemObjects.Elements.Toffee.targets 217 5 Sugar.Data.Nougat.watchOS

Error 4 (GetTargetSDKType) No matching version of watchOS has been found that is supported by both your local .fx files (supported versions are: 3.0) and the active version of Xcode (supported versions are: 2.2). C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\RemObjects Software\Elements\RemObjects.Elements.Toffee.targets 217 5 Sugar.Nougat.watchOS

Version 3 is a beta, right?

Best regards,
Jose A.

yes, but so is p watchOS support. we’re no longer shipping the 2.2 targets in 8.4. but you can download em from

I already had installed version 2.2, I guess that was installed for ‘Elements’ installer.

Should I install version 3.0?


depends. what xcode version are you using, and what elements version? for xcode 8 you red watchOS 3. for xcode 7 you need 2.2. elements 8.3 ships 2.2, elements 8.4 ships 3.0 only.

Please ignore this problem. On my computer there was an interaction with an old installation of Oxygene.
Best regards,
Jose A.

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