I downloaded latest beta and add references with “sugar, sugar.data”
in github test example of json, they references sugar.data.JSON
however, in my ide, it says there is no such thing…
i think sugar on github and the one ships with beta are different.
should i download github version? or should i stick to off the shelf shipped version?
if the shipped version is latest one, can i have a example for JSON features?
thank you.
(marc hoffman)
It’s Sugar.Json, not Sugar.Data.Json.
(marc hoffman)
Here’s a sample snippet from my Curaçao Weather app. The code in question is used on .NET, iOS and Android:
import Sugar.Json
public class SummaryData: WeatherData {
public var Condition: String?
public var Temperature: Double?
public var HeatIndex: Double?
public var WarningEnglish: String?
public var WeatherSummaryTextEnglish: String?
init(json: JsonNode) {
super.init(json: json)
Condition = json["Condition"]?.StringValue
Temperature = json["Temperature"]?.FloatValue
HeatIndex = json["HeatIndex"]?.FloatValue
if let details = json["Details"] as? JsonObject, english = details["English"] as? JsonObject {
WarningEnglish = english["Warning"]?.StringValue
WeatherSummaryTextEnglish = english["Weather"]?.StringValue
override func ToJson() -> JsonDocument {
let result = JsonDocument()
result.Root["Condition"] = JsonStringValue.Create(Condition)
result.Root["Temperature"] = JsonFloatValue.Create(Temperature)
result.Root["HeatIndex"] = JsonFloatValue.Create(HeatIndex)
let textsEnglish = JsonObject()
result.Root["Details"] = JsonObject()
result.Root["Details"]!["English"] = textsEnglish
if let WarningEnglish = WarningEnglish, WarningColor = WarningColor {
textsEnglish["Code\(WarningColor)"] = JsonStringValue(WarningEnglish) // legacy, remove
textsEnglish["Warning"] = JsonStringValue(WarningEnglish)
textsEnglish["WarningColor"] = JsonStringValue(WarningColor)
if let WeatherSummaryTextEnglish = WeatherSummaryTextEnglish {
textsEnglish["Weather"] = JsonStringValue(WeatherSummaryTextEnglish)
return result
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Wow thank you.
It is nice to see the some of code of Curaçao weather app 
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