Suggested ASP.Net Workflow

Am I correct in understanding that Water currently has no built in web server for directly executing an application? And if this is true, how are people currently debugging this scenario? Is the best option to do it from within VS or can someone recommend a different workflow that minimises swapping between tools? Thanks in advance.

Running Water as Administrator, and attaching to w3wp.exe (IIS) should work.
Maybe @mh could link the Run menu option to a default attach to process action? First time ask, next time use the last selected process?

You can already set a host application, will that suffice? Or do you need an atatch/detach for Run/Stop? If so, how do you determine which w3wp process to attach to?

I guess we can run w3wp from the command line, not sure what happens with the existing running process y I try to run another one from the command line. I guess this could be automated. This is what IIS uses, but I suppose a lot of the options can be removed.

c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\w3wp.exe -ap "WaterDebugTest" -v "v4.0" -l "webengine4.dll" -a \\.\pipe\iisipm55599834-e4b5-4d77-bf66-a1d92962a4b0 -h "C:\inetpub\temp\apppools\WaterDebugTest\WaterDebugTest.config" -w "" -m 0 -t 20 -ta 0

In the meantime I find it easier to attach to the running process. Usually the username running the process matches the application pool’s name in IIS, unless you are forcing another user name. I use that to identify the process.

You can also use owin.

It works either as a console app or with iis

I do all my development with the console app and then deploy the iis build to azure.

You could probably attach to the running console app.