Suggestion for Fire/Water: Quick commands

Afaik there’s no build in support for VC, like Git or Subversion (my favourite …). That’s not a problem for me as I can use a specialised program for that (in my case Xversion).

But sometimes you’ll want to do a quick commit, without having to switch to an other program.

If you work in a team then you have to be sure that a commit doesn’t contain (obvious) mistakes. So you double-check all the changes and run unit tests.

If you, like me, are working alone, you could decide to skip those checks and just do the commit. If you find mistakes later on, you’ll correct them and do another commit. No problem. If you do that in a team you’ll be hanged, but if you’re working alone that risk isn’t there (I think …).

So what I would like to do, while staying in Fire, is executing a terminal command via a “Quick command” shortcut.

What I see as a quick command is a one line terminal command, that will be executed in the main project folder. Eg:

svn commit -m “{comment}”

I’ve added a placeholder “{comment}” because for commit’s that’s a thing that you want to be able to change for every execution.

So what I have in mind is:

  1. A way to edit quick commands (= one line terminal command).
  2. Assign a shortcut to it; eg. Opt-Cmd 1…9. This would imply that you can define a maximum of 9 quick commands.
  3. When I press the shortcut, the command would be executed and the output would be shown in the debug log, or some other log. If the command contains a placeholder, I would first get a input box: enter the text and then pressing Enter to continue to executing it.

This would work for several kinds of commands, not limited to VC commands.

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Thanks, logged as bugs://84806

bugs://E24463 was closed as fixed.