Switch-case-is not yet implemented?

Legal in Swift, the Silver compiler emits:

(E62) Type mismatch, cannot assign “PersonProtocol!” to “ordinal type” for the switch statement in the code below:

protocol PersonProtocol {
  var profession: String {get}

class SwiftProgrammer:PersonProtocol {
  let iq="over 130"
  let profession = "Swift Programmer"

struct FootballPlayer:PersonProtocol {
  let height="over 72 inches"
  let profession = "Football Player"

var sp1=SwiftProgrammer(), fp1=FootballPlayer(), pp:PersonProtocol=sp1

switch(pp) {
  case is SwiftProgrammer: print("nerd")
  case is FootballPlayer: print("jock")
  default: print("shrug")

Thanks, logged as bugs://80645

bugs://80645 got closed with status fixed.