Do you have any examples of threading in Island? Just something simple for handling background tasks in a non-platform specific way?
Thank you,
Brian Wheatley
Do you have any examples of threading in Island? Just something simple for handling background tasks in a non-platform specific way?
Thank you,
Brian Wheatley
I think you want to use Task
var t := Task<String>.Run(method begin
exit 'helloworld';
Console.WriteLine($"Result is {t.Result}");
I know it exists on the windows sub platform and I’ve used it in Toffee.
or even just async
there isn’t, i believe. https://docs.elementscompiler.com/API/IslandRTL/Classes/Task/
OK there must be more than one “Task” type because RemObjects.Elements.MicroTasks.Task doesn’t have a Run method but if I put the code in as John showed it works.
Task client = Task.Run(GetData);
You’ll want RemObjects.Elements.System.Task, actually. That one should be in scope by default (MicroTasks.Task isn’t), and has a static Run
method, actually.
I’ll bring up to consider renaming the other one, to avoid confusion.
Thanks, logged as bugs://82133
bugs://82133 got closed with status fixed.