TIOBE Index Oxygene

Look what language is in the top 100 :nerd_face:

Wow. that is cool!

It is a b it confusing that “Delphi/Object Pascal” are grouped together (at 11). I wonder how much of that also covers Oxygene not to downplay ofc that Depphi still is crazy popular and in wider sue than Oxygene), but it’s amazing to see that despite that grouping, Oxygene has still made it into the top 100 on its own, as well. :raised_hands:t3:



ThĂŠ way i see the thing is that object pascal, delphi, oxygene, have to be regrouped as far as popularity is concerned.

I consider oxygène and especially water a far better option. but i have to admit i only do backend dev.

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A few years ago FPC/Laz and Delphi have been grouped together on a Delphi ‘lover’s’ request. It’s more or less about those two today.

Many other flavors came up for a short period of about a few years when more or less ‘all’ once popular programming languages were tried to become refurbished by communities, especially more traditional PASCAL flavors.

The no matter what PASCAL corner evolved from die hards to immortals in a sense of, ‘It’s better to die, than to take of one’s own worn out shoes’ kinda HIGH(lander) Pascal.

From the perspective of the the Western sphere (including Sourth America to a certain degree) it’s a battle of the two Immortals in Alamo. In Asis e.g. Indonesia the Delphi developer’s group was not comparable to the Borland Newsgroups a the heavy activity, but there were many young people enthusiastic coding Delphi. Pretty similar to Delphi Praxis German at it’s peek.

That’s Asia and to a certain degree the good old reliable developer base in the West. You have young people there and n-times the population of the West. The trend towards academia is still vital/unbroken. That’s a certain category Delphi never really fit in, because in the 1990s the opposite was required. I could imagine that only portions of the searches concerning Delphi and Pascal there are reflected in the TIOBE Index. I don’t care about those indices in detail.

Considering only those two well known options, it’s not wrong to group both together. The FreePascal portion was not a big one these days (about almost 10 years ago) and I can fairly imagine that it grew in the meanwhile. This portion was about 0,2 - 0,3% on TIOBE*) when the number of downloads for Lazarus on SourceForge these day peaked. Today people will argue, there is fpcdeluxe & co but I do have my concerns.
*) Whatever this means when PL/I can still be found there.

I doubt that a certain kind of it’s Parents including Oxygene search behavior does exist. Once you have the link to the Wiki you are finished searching the Internet.

Well done. As you already mentioned before, Oxygene made it’s way on it’s own.

The Pascal Developer Networks (I’d not call them communities) tend to stay small and Islands to a certain degree. As long products are developed with the needs of the existing customers in mind and those knocking at the backdoor :slight_smile: the tendency to grow is here but for different reasons development goods do.

Development goods are designed to be used potentially by everyone and the demand holders are found for the good developed further from version to version and improved within a version. The Design itself is put out of the context of a company and their customer demands and put at an university/academic ‘level’ and designe with everyone already today in mind. But the product stays worth of being improved forever. Think of Delphi. People liked it that way and some still do. As long as we think of software there is fairly a difference among both kinds of goods, because a consumption good (license) is sold from within a company organized as a (small) trust compared to classic industries but a tool is shipped. In case of consumption good an original tool is transformed into an expandable good (means fewer changes the older the product gets). The question remains, who favors what? Is the tool developed further and improved or ‘leave it as it is’ the good old thing (consumption good at the point of maximum distribution among developers). Think of the resistance to change concerning FMX and discussions almost praising the spirit of the Delphi 7 or better said, ‘The older the version, the greater the spirit’.

The same way it was almost impossible to get away from consumption good style products in the 1990s a few decades later in an area populated by developers with an university background/academics

The confusing thing in all those rankings is Middle East/West Asia and Asia and Africa/Global South to a certain degree. Web technologies were for example populated by IBM and indeed the web was a great opportunity to gather some startup capital for one’s own company. Remember the time when you did almost the same remember the Realtime OS (Elitedev) irrc.

Anyway. Let the immortal standup, who want’s to live forever (Highlander, Feuerschwanz)