TROEventReceiver.MaximumMessagePerPoll doesn't work

I set TROEventReceiver’s MaximumMessagePerPoll property to value 1 and interval property to value 5000. So, I expected that every 5s my client application would receive only one event (if it exists of course). But actually if there are 10 events, I will get them all in the first poll.
These are all relevant settings of my TROEventReceiver

object ROEventReceiver: TROEventReceiver
    Interval = 5000
    LegacyEvents = False
    MaximumMessagesPerPoll = 1
    Message = MessageBinHttp
    Channel = IndyHTTPChannel
    ServiceName = 'SMFuncoesAutenticacao'
    AsyncPolling = True

Am I configuring something wrong?


it is known.
Delphi server sends all events in one chunk.

Is there any prediction of when this will be implemented?


this property allows only to reduce server’s response size. all events always will be download asap.
Nowadays they are downloaded in one request/response, but with this feature they will be downloaded in XXX requests/responses.

logic is

        Invoke_GetEventsData_DoRequest(l_message, l_channel);
        Result := Invoke_GetEventsData_DoResponse(l_message, EventsData, l_left);
      until l_left = 0;

so it won’t work as you like - download Y events every XXX seconds