TROInMemorySessionManager.DoGetAllSessions / DoGetAllSessionsIDs does not return all sessions as expected


Inside TROInMemorySessionManager.Destroy there is a call to ClearSessions(False) so that all current session objects are destroyed, with the intent on not leaking memory.

However, when there are expired sessions but the check interval has not expired yet, those session objects will NOT be freed and memory leaks ensue.

This is because TROInMemorySessionManager.DoGetAllSessions and TROInMemorySessionManager.DoGetAllSessionsIDs have the following code inside:

if CheckSessionIsExpired(l_currSession) then Continue;

This is totally undesirable because ClearSessions(False) is specifically called with the intent on not checking the expiration status of the session objects contained in the manager.

I have removed the four similar lines (2 per method) and now no longer have memory leaks when closing down my server.

This has been seen in version, maybe it’s already been fixed in a later version.


I’m trying to investigate this case and I can’t get how it calls CheckSessionIsExpired:

  • TROInMemorySessionManager.Destroy has
  • TROCustomSessionManager.ClearSessions has
  • TROInMemorySessionManager.DoClearSessions has
  if OnlyExpired then begin
  else begin
    l_array := fSessionList.Values.ToArray;
    for i := Low(l_array) to High(l_array) do
      DeleteSession(l_array[i].SessionID, True); //<< typo, should have False, but it doesn't have any influence in `DoDeleteSession`
  • TROCustomSessionManager.DeleteSession has
DoDeleteSession(aSessionID, IsExpired);
  • TROInMemorySessionManager.DoDeleteSession has
  if fSessionList.TryGetValue(aSessionID, l_Session) then begin

this behavior was in .1581 too

In my version, there is this inside ClearSessions:

      DoClearSessions(GetAllSessions, OnlyExpired);

So it receives the list returned by GetAllSessions which should not be filtered in any kind of way but it actually is.
Once it reaches TROInMemorySessionManager.DoClearSessions method, the aSessionIds: TROSessionIDs list is not complete, hence the leak.

However, it seems that the code has slightly changed as in what you show DoClearSessions does not seem to receive a session list anymore.

Here is what the code looks like in my version:

procedure TROInMemorySessionManager.DoClearSessions(aSessionIds: TROSessionIDs; OnlyExpired: Boolean);
  i: Integer;
  if OnlyExpired then begin
    for i := Low(aSessionIds) to High(aSessionIds) do
      if CheckSessionIsExpired(aSessionIds[i]) then  DeleteSession(aSessionIds[i], True);
  else begin
    for i := Low(aSessionIds) to High(aSessionIds) do
      DeleteSession(aSessionIds[i], True);


this declaration wasn’t changed for 20 years:

procedure DoClearSessions(OnlyExpired: Boolean); override;

probably you have tried to implement your session keep alive feature and modified some code …

Thanks for pointing this out, I did make some changes here, but it’s way older than the current subject at hand.
It was back in 2021 with this message “ClearSessions should not lock the manager during its entire call.” and the following changes:

I reported it at the time as can be seen here.

Interestingly, I did not notice at the time that GetAllSessions is filtering out the expired sessions, which, to me, is definitely counter intuitive.
I mean, I had a look at TRODBSessionManager.DoGetAllSessions and it does not appear to be filtering anything out.

So even if the consequence of getting memory leaks is not there in the release code, there is, to me, still an inconsistency in calling a method to get all sessions and actually not getting them all.


It has no sense to manipulate with expired sessions or store events for them so we filter expired sessions. Expired sessions will be deleted automatically by timer.

if you want to change default logic, better to create descendant or helper method and manipulate with fSessionList directly.

So you consider that a public method called GetAllSessions should indeed not return all sessions? That’s kind of a weird naming then, especially considering that the ClearSessions public method takes a parameter to specifically tell whether or not a filtering is done.


this logic was added in RO3 (~20 years ago). I don’t think that it has sense to change it now because it will be breaking change…

if you need expired sessions in this list , we can add a new parameter like

    procedure GetAllSessions(Dest: TStringList; aExcludeExpired: Boolean = True); overload;
    function GetAllSessions: TROSessionIDs(aExcludeExpired: Boolean = True); overload;

Yes, a new parameter would be ideal indeed, but I personally would not use a default value for it but rather use the deprecated keyword on the original method, like this:

procedure GetAllSessions(Dest: TStringList); overload; deprecated 'use procedure GetAllSessions(Dest, True)';
procedure GetAllSessions(Dest: TStringList; aExcludeExpired: Boolean); overload;
function GetAllSessions: TROSessionIDs; overload; deprecated 'use function GetAllSessions(True)';
function GetAllSessions(aExcludeExpired: Boolean): TROSessionIDs; overload;

Sure, this requires a bit more code, but it has the benefit of informing users of that public method has a new overload and that they should carefully review their usage. This would make sure they understand that historically GetAllSessions excludes expired sessions and that they might want to use a value for that parameter different from the current default.

My 2 cents

Logged as bugs://D19506.

bugs://D19506 was closed as fixed.