TROSynapseHTTPChannel and "Unable to connect to remote server"


I have a Windows Service that consume 2 Soap web services .
One use TROSynapseHTTPChannel and the other use TROWinInetHTTPChannel

No problem on my PC and on our server with TROWinInetHTTPChannel
But the one that use TROSynapseHTTPChannel cannot connect to remote server on our server (ok on my PC).

Is there something special to setup with TROSynapseHTTPChannel to avoid this ?


another pc may require proxy.
WinInet channel can handle this automatically, but Synapse channel can’t.

Not sure that the server require proxy.
Not that my web service client is running as Windows service.
Is there a way to get more informations about the error instead of ‘Unable to connect to server’ ?

you can check ROSynapseHTTPChannel.http.ResultCode (or ResultString) for original error.

I get 500 in this case, nothing on ResultString

these are default values:

function THTTPSend.HTTPMethod(const Method, URL: string): Boolean;
  {initial values}
  Result := False;
  FResultCode := 500;
  FResultString := '';

look like, server result wasn’t received at all.

try to check state of socket:

  • ROSynapseHTTPChannel1.http.Sock.LastError
  • ROSynapseHTTPChannel1.http.Sock.LastErrorDesc

This time I get this :slight_smile:
SSL/TLS support is not compiled!

But I didn’t say I want SSL or TLS…

Finally found how to solde the problem ::just adding on the same folder as the exe libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll
