Unable to connect to Access

I’m trying to connect to Access through OLE DB, and whilst the connection is fine when I use the relativity server admin tool, as soon as I try and connect from a client, I get an exception "The Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 provider is not registered on the local machine. I have the client and server on the same machine and jet is installed, and the admin tool confirms that. Am I missing something?


Please specify which host OS you are using to run Relativity. Issue is that Jet 4.0 is not supported at all on x64 hosts.

Given that Relativity Server is compiled as AnyCPU application it runs as x64 app on x64 hosts, thus made it not possible to use Jet 4.0 drivers.


Ok, that is definitely the problem. Is the admin tool compiled for x86 then, as that seems to connect fine? Also, is it possible to use the ACE database engine instead (x64)? I have that installed on the server, and tried using that in my connection string with no luck.


Please contact us via support@ so we’ll provide you updated Relativity build with the needed driver profile. In the mail please specify the exact product you need updated build for (ie Data Abstract for .NET, DA for Delphi etc)

Thanks in advance