Unable to debug Android on 8.2 beta

I install the standalone VS Android Emulator without a new Android SDK from VS setup. But finally I find a solution to make the VS Android Emulator use my existed Android SDK automatically:
Add a Path registry variable in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Android SDK Tools

I’ve also installed the new Elements, and start a series of tests.

  1. Things go better with VS Android Emulator(x86) and my physical device Galaxy Nexus(ARM) : Debugger works, but Output window is stuck. I’ve started a new thread to trace it: Output window can’t print Android Logcat content

  2. But the issue is still on Android SDK Emulator(ARM): the app gets stuck by waiting for debugger forever.

So could you help to check if my issue can be reproduced on your Android SDK Emulator(ARM)?
In most cases, x86 emulator and physical device are much faster than ARM emulator. I guess maybe the cause is sth related to the time-out issue of the communication between Elements and ADB.