Unable to load ROOlympiaServer project

When I try to load the Olympia solution in VS2015 or VS2017 the solution loads but the individual projects do not.
The following error occurs: Could not load file or assembly ‘RemObjects.Everwood.Live, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3df3cad1b7aa5098’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

I noticed that the version of RemObjects.Everwood.Live that I have on my system is Version

How do I fix this?

What versions of RO/DA and Elements or Oxygene (if any) do you have installed?


You have Elements as well? (IIRC ROOlympoiaServer is written in Oxygene). if so, which version, and can you install a newer one?

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Yes I had Elements installed but it was an older version. When I installed the latest stable version ( I was able to load those projects. I had forgotten about updating the Elements install after updating DataAbstract.

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