Unable to make Async calls using SSL

I have a service in my project that provides a list of departments. I can make Async and Synchronous calls to the service without issue. Using SSL I am only able to make Synchronous calls. When I make an asynchronous call I get this error:

Please advise,



Seems this error is related to the certificate validation procedure.
Please take a look at this doc: https://docs.remotingsdk.com/Clients/Tasks/HandlingSelfSignedCertificates/NET/

Still this is odd, as both sync and async ca;ls should either fail or succeed.
Could you specify exact RO SDK version used and client channel type? Also could you provide this test client app to support@ so I can investigate this issue deeper?

Thanks in advance

RO SDK: v9.1.99.1273
Client Channel: IpHttpClientChannel

I will work on the client tomorrow.


So I took another look at your article which I had already used and changed from using this:

channel.SslOptions.ValidateRemoteCertificate += (sender, e) => {
e.Cancel = e.Cancel ||
e.Certificate.GetCertHashString() != “[MyCertHashString]”;

To this:

    private static bool ServerCertificateValidationCallback(object sender,
                                                    X509Certificate certificate,
                                                    X509Chain chain,
                                                    SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors)
        // Very simple certificate hash check
        return certificate.GetCertHashString() == "[MyCertHashString]";

and for whatever reason the asynchronous calls work. Not sure our Java developer has it working but if the problem still exists I’ll open an other thread. So this is resolved for now.

Thanks for all your hard work!


Thanks for the additional info. I’ll double-check this scenario

Thanks, logged as bugs://76867

bugs://76867 got closed with status fixed.

Logged as bugs://i64664.

bugs://i64664 was closed as fixed.