Unable to use FireDAC for Relativity Server

I need to connect to MySQL and have not been able to do this using a custom Data Abstract server in Delphi, but I cannot connect to the same connection in Relativity Server. I’ve tried any combination of MySQL.net connectors that I could find online but haven’t had any luck. I’m using MySQL because that is the last version with 32-bit drivers which are required to get through the DA project wizard for a custom server.

The error I get when trying to use the FireDAC based connection is:

Unknown driver FireDAC.

That string looks like this:


This makes sense since that driver isn’t listed and Relativity Server seems to be .Net based.

When trying to use the MySQL.Net Connector it claims it isn’t installed

Connection String Builder
An exception occurred on the server: Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider. It may not be installed.

Even though it is, according to the MySQL installer:

That string looks like:

MySql.NET?Port=4401;Server=localhost;Database=webadm;User ID=root;Password=passwordhere;

So, what am I doing wrong here? Is there a known-good version of the MySQL Connector for .Net that can still be downloaded that will work properly? I can use either MySQL 5.7 or 8.0, doesn’t matter to me.


Delphi and .NET drivers aren’t interchangeable so custom Delphi server can’t use ,NET based connections and Relativity Server can’t use Delphi connections.

this means that you should add uDAFireDACDriver unit to uses section of your server data module of custom DataAbstract Delphi server.

Relativity Server runs as x64 application.
As you can see the installer installs only x86 version of connector.

What you need to do is to download the x86 driver, deploy it , and then register in the Relativity Server configuration:

  1. Download Connector/.NET from MySQL :: Download Connector/NET , version .NET & Mono
  2. Unpack the downloaded archive and copy contents of the folder v4.5.2 to the Relativity Server folder (replace existing files if needed)
  3. Download the attached file.
  4. Replace the file DataAbstract.daConfig in the Relativity Server folder with the one from the downloaded archive
  5. Restart Relativity Server if needed

DataAbstract.zip (6.7 KB)


Logged as bugs://D19219.

Awesome, I have a working connection in Relativity Server Admin now. Thank you very much, antonk!

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bugs://D19219 was closed as fixed.