Unexpected end of Message when connecting from a .NET Client using HTTP transport


I have added an Indy HTTP Server to my RO Server, but when I try to use it from a .NET client I get the following exception:

BinMessage: Unexpected end of stream.

Línea 2199:      @__LocalMessage.WriteUtf8String("Modulo", Modulo);
Línea 2200:      @__LocalMessage.FinalizeMessage();
Línea 2201:      @__ClientChannel.Dispatch(@__LocalMessage);        <<<< here is where the exception happens.
Línea 2202:      int _Result = @__LocalMessage.ReadInt32("Result");
Línea 2203:      @__LocalMessage.Clear();

I have been used correctly a TCP and NamedPipes transport from this client; this only happens with the HTTP channel.

I create the channels with this code:

 Channel = (ClientChannel)ClientChannel.ChannelMatchingTargetUri(URL);

In the server the only thing I did was adding the HTTP Server, changed the port number, and added the message handler. The Message (Bin) handler uses an AES envelope.

The message in this case is a simple login, I mean, the size should be quite small.

Any idea?


Unfortunately we weren’t able to reproduce the issue. Could you provide a simple testcase where the issue reproduces and provide the exception stacktrace? Also please specify exact versions of RemObjects SDK you are using.

Thanks in advance

I’m using the latest March 2015 release in both client and server.

I will try to create a simple test case and post it here.

I have the same problem , did you can to resolved it.


Could you please create a testcase? The original poster never provided it, and the issue cannot be reproduced without it.

Thanks in advance