Unexpected value returned from method

IDE: Visual Studio 2015
Target (If relevant): Net

Following method returns an unexpected value:

class method Indberet.CompareDate(DateA: DateTime; DateB: DateTime): Word;
var res := DateA.Date.CompareTo(DateB.Date);
result := if res < 0 then -1 else if res > 0 then 1 else 0;
//or exit… same result

Expected Behavior:
It should return one of the three values -1, 0, 1.

Actual Behavior:
Returns Word max value 65535


Word is unsigned so of course no -1 value.

Should it raise an exception when you try to set an invalid value (like -1) ?

A word is an unsigned 16 bit integer, so I would expect an out of range error, 0 or 1 as result.
But indeed, -1 could be translated to 65535; 0x00 - 0x01 = 0xFF -> 65535

Thanks for the description.

This was tricky for me, so for me it would have been nice with an exception, as you also mention.

Hello Birgen,
In the project properties, there is a “Check for Overflow” setting, that is False by default.
Just set it to True and try again.

O.K. Perfect - I will try it out. Thanks.