we deserialized an object and cast it into dynamic type .when tried to get specific (“item.project_id”) property from this object using RemObject c# it gives Error ("Unknown type object ") here is the code
var data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(response.Content).tasks;
foreach (var item in data)
if (!Projects.Any(x => x.Id == (int)item.project_id))
Projects.Add(new Projects()
Id = item.project_id,
Title = item.projectName,
Secondly, the namespace System.Windows.Automation is giving Unknown type error.
Can you kindly tell us the RemObject C# supported Types for the above issues.
any chance i could get a complete test case for this? What platform is this on? on .NET, this should work in RemObjects C# the same as it does in Visual C#, as it’s using the same libraries under the hood… But it’s hard to say, without more context.