Use TROIpSupperHTTPServer with IPV6

When we try to use the TROIpSupperHTTPServer component in Delphi and bind it to ipv6 we get an error message 11001. This seems to come from the default IPV6 adres [::]. Are there way’s around this problem or is this a bug?

We use version


What TargetUrl you use on the client? Try to add name of your server in C:\Windows\System\drivers\etc\hosts and use it’s name in targetUrl. For example for localhost change in hosts:
::1 myhost
and use targetUrl

Best regards

Thanks for the response. This however doesn’t work. The error comes from the unit uIpASyncSocket around line 594. There the ip Adres for IPV6 is ‘::’. This is hard coded in unit uIPAsyncHTTPserver line 613. In line 1212 the function responds with INADDR_NONE and the function in line 1215 responds with error 11001.

Can you describe your project and OS more detail? What Delphi version do you use?
Can you send us a small testcase?
Try to use http://[::1]:8099/BIN in TargetUrl property in channel component.

We found the origin of the problem (no solution however). We combine the TROIpSupperHTTPServer with the TROSynapseSuperTCPServer component in a datamodule. As a test project we have made changes in the HTTPChatServer project. How should we upload this project?
Development is done in a virtual Windows XP machine with Delphi 2007.

With my reading glasses on I found the button :wink:

Thanks, the issue was logged as #54939 for investigation. It occurs when we use it with SuperTCP server together.

you can use this fix:

RemObjects SDK for Delphi\Source\Synapse\ :

function InitSocketInterface(stack: String): Boolean;
  Result := False;
//  SockEnhancedApi := False;  //comment this line
  if stack = '' then
    stack := DLLStackName;