Using anonymous methods on AsyncEx calls


Delphi, Tokyo, latest release - 1.

Can we use anonymous methods on the AsyncEx calls generated on the Intf files?

A normal declaration will look something like:
fService.AsyncCallEx.BeginRequest(aParameter, aCallBackMethod);

aCallbackMethod is declared on RO as TROAsyncCallBack = procedure (const aRequest: IROAsyncRequest)

If it is possible, how do you do it? I might be trying it all wrong.

It is my understanding that in order for it to happen TROAsyncCallBack has to be declared as
TROAsyncCallBack = reference to procedure(const aRequest:IROAsyncRequest)

So we can do something like

procedure (aRequest:IROAsyncRequest)

If it is not supported, it is a nice and simple thing to add and keep things modern.

Thank you.

pls review the Phone Photo Server sample.

we can’t use anonymous methods here because they aren’t supported by old versions of Delphi.

EDIT: you can try to declare it locally as

  TROAsyncCallback = reference to procedure (const aRequest: IROAsyncRequest);

for using anonymous methods

Thank you Evgeny.

Probably that will work. I thought reference to procedure supports not only TProcedure, but also Procedure of object.

So adding,
{$IFDEF DELPHIXE2UP} // or whatever version it was fully supported, probably D2010
TROAsyncCallback = reference to procedure (const aRequest: IROAsyncRequest);
TROAsyncCallback = procedure (const aRequest: IROAsyncRequest) of object;

will work transparently, am i wrong? the uRO units already have the switches everywhere, any reason why not to add it by default to the uROAsync unit?

our code won’t be portable between D7 and modern versions of Delphi.
for example the Phone Photo Server sample will be broken …
we will review possibility to adding a special condition into that can change this behavior

Thanks, logged as bugs://82056

bugs://82056 got closed with status fixed.