Using mulitple TDAMemDataTables on server within same connection


I’m using commands, MemDataTables to update data in one service.I need all of them to use the same connection (to use 1 transaction). I used to do this with the localConnection property in the MemDatatable but this property is gone.
How can I force a MemDatatable (or the LocalDataAdapter) to use a specific connection?
Everything is Server-side in one service.




you can specify

LocalDataAdapter.ServiceInstance := xxxx;

in this case, it will use specific service instance where you can specify required connection .

also you can specify aUseDefaultTransactionLogic:=False in OnUpdateDataBeginTransaction, OnUpdateDataCommitTransaction, OnUpdateDataRollBackTransaction events of DAService for avoiding default transaction logic when you update data via LDA.

Yes, that did the trick.

All commands and MemDatatables use the same connection and transaction.

Thanks for the quick reply.