Using RTL in iOS Static Library symbol not found

Hi All,

I tried making ios static library with RTL but when I compile got errorr of symbil not found e.g: PlatformString. iOS static library without using RTL runs fine (the exporrted .h uses NSString). The class with RTL can also be used fine in iOS project created using Element.

Any idea why is this?.

Thank you,

you’re probably missing a reference to libElements in your application project?

Hi Mark,

Thank you for the reply.

You mean the application project in XCode that uses the static lib? I have linked the .a files (the generated one and also tried libElements.a after seeing your reply) but it seems the issue is more the symbol definition is not there for compilation. The generated .h file does not contain any definition of PlatformString and only using it.

Have gone through the docs also and not much in it yet on using the static lib on XCode project.

Else, below are the element-generated header :

// Header generated by RemObjects Elements for Cocoa

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>

#import <objc/NSObject.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@class __StaticLibrary_MyClass;

@interface __StaticLibrary_MyClass: NSObject

- (int32_t)calcluateSomething;
- (/* mapped */ PlatformString * _Nonnull)saySomething;


can you send me a full test case that shows this, so we can have a look? that said, Elements RTL is really meant for use in Elements apps, not in Xcode projects, so i’m not surprised it’s causing problems. it it is something g we should check out.

I see. Noted. I’ve message you the test to take a look at.