Vcl Host , Load FMX edit Control


My environment is Delphi 10.3.1 / 10.3.2
RemObjects Hydra -

I’ve project vcl host load fmx edit control but I cannot type anything in the fmx TEditBox.

I’ve tried compile the sample project Hydra Firemonkey. The case is same.

I just build Vclhost and FMXPlugin. Once load the fmx visual Plugin. The Edit box cannot input any.
But u can paste word into it. Then u can type words. Once u change focus to checkbox and switch back to edit. You cannot input again.

Please advise.

Thanks, logged as bugs://83008

I’ve urgent for this . Any solution?

Another issue , you need to focus the fmx control then you can close the form else the form cant close.

Will check. looks like, FMX code was changed again :frowning:

any expect time?

we are investigating this case. no eta yet

from 1st sight, commenting code inside

procedure THYFMXControlAsVisualPlugin.HostFocusLost;

solved this issue.

Does this code solve the issue on :“Another issue , you need to focus the fmx control then you can close the form else the form cant close.”

no, it doesn’t solve this:

Another issue , you need to focus the fmx control then you can close the form else the form cant close.

any news on this ?
as my project hit this and Customer complain


it isn’t fixed yet

any expected time?

I’ll increase priority for this issue

bugs://83008 got closed with status fixed.

where can get the fix?


I’ve sent it to you via PM

Sorry reply you late as I go back old version to solve it. First The new version RemObjects Hydra - It solve the “cannot type issue”. However, when vclhost load a fmx visual plugin, if u not focus the edit u cannot close the vclhost application.

My environment: delphi 10.3.2, RemObjects Hydra -, DA RemObjects Data Abstract for Delphi, Server Edition -

Compile the sample project for VCLHost, FMXPlugin. you can run vclhost and create the fmxvisual , then close the form. You can t close.

Please advise.

this fix should solve your case:

pls update uHYPluginHelpers_FMX.pas

procedure THYFMXControlAsVisualPlugin.ShowParented(aParentHandle: THandle);
    SetParent(Wnd, aParentHandle);
    HostFocusLost;  //added

I’ve added this fix info bugs://83008

tested it works thanks.

Just one more question. for loading a image for bitmap list animation, it is easy get insufficient memory. Is it 32/64 bit can solve? Even some case same 32 bit fmx plugin, some pc can load the image but some cant.

How to check and confirm the problem?