As before: Registered Hydra, Delphi 11, Visual Studio 2022 17.12.4
.NET8 with a test project created from the VS2022 wizard. Non visual plugin only
I have imported a Delphi interface to VS2022 in a Framework project, then copied the imported .cs to the .Net8 project, but there seem to be some problems. First off the import:
// Imported cross-patform Hydra plugin interfaces
// Some interfaces may not be imported or imported incorrectly due to the following issues:
// [51:8] CloseRound expected
I did some searching here but can’t figure out what the CloseRound expected message means. (During a later import while writing this message, the comment with CloseRound went away).
FYI, the comment has a a typo and says cross-patform instead of cross-platform.
Second, on Integer TestValue() Integer is unknown. I’m guess there needs to be a using, but alt-enter on Integer doesn’t give me any choices beyond creating my own type. I worked around it for now by changing it to int.
Where I’m stuck right now is I have a test C# library with the Delphi import unit in it, and I’ve created a new plugin in that library, but the Mixed Mode C# sample doesn’t show (or I can’t find where it does) how to reference the interface the import created from Delphi with the plugin, or how to create an instance of it so I can use it.
Can you give me or point me to a simple example of instancing a Delphi non-visual plugin in C#?
public interface IPointCloudFilterInterface : RemObjects.Hydra.CrossPlatform.IHYCrossPlatformInterface
int TestValue();
I’ve made some progress, through searching the forums here, but I had to make changes for it to run and I’m not getting the response I should. Maybe you can assist:
public static class Program
public static void Main(string[] args_)
var moduleManager = new ModuleManager();
var module = moduleManager.LoadModule(@"c:\temp\NPL2\Win32\Debug\NPL2.DLL");
var plugIns = moduleManager.Plugins.ToArray();
foreach (var plugin in plugIns)
Console.WriteLine($"{plugin.Description} {plugin.Name} {plugin.UserData}");
var inst = moduleManager.CreateInstance("PointCloudFilterInterfaceTest");
if (inst is IPointCloudFilterInterface test)
To make it work (and maybe it’s the cause of the wrong value), I had to change the Delphi side interface to inherit from IHYCrossPlatformPlugin instead of IHYCrossPlatformInterface.
TestValue() should return 42, it’s hard coded in Delphi, but I’m getting zero.
IPointCloudFilterInterface = interface(IHYCrossPlatformInterface)
function TestValue : Integer; safecall;
public interface IPointCloudFilterInterface : RemObjects.Hydra.CrossPlatform.IHYCrossPlatformInterface
int TestValue();