What does exception 'operation succeeded succesfully mean?

I received this exception.

What does it mean? How can it be avoided?

Exception: The operation completed successfully [Source:RemObjects.SDK]
at RemObjects.SDK.SslConnection.NativeDataSocketSendAsMuchAsPossible(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)
at RemObjects.SDK.SslConnection.DataSocketSendAsMuchAsPossible(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)
at RemObjects.SDK.Connection.DataSocketSend(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)
at RemObjects.SDK.Http.HttpOutgoingRequestResponse.WriteBodyToConnection(Connection connection)
at RemObjects.SDK.Http.HttpClient.TryDispatch(HttpClientRequest request)
at RemObjects.SDK.IpHttpClientChannel.IntDispatch(Stream request, IMessage response)
at RemObjects.SDK.ClientChannel.Dispatch(IMessage message)
at OffCloudServer.SyncServerService_Proxy.getBiggestKeyValue(String& jsonSyncResponse, String& maxcachedkeyvalue, String& keyvaluetype, String& errormsg) in E:\p4\main\Source.NET\base\OffCloudServerClient\RemoteServer_Intf.cs:line 3083
at SyncPush.SyncPushJob.doNewOnlySync(CloudServerClient syncserveritf, OffDBConnection localdbcon, SyncMasterConfigDBProfile dbprofile, SyncMasterConfigDBTarget dbtarget, String& errormsg) in E:\p4\main\Source.NET\Cloud\src\SyncPush\SyncPush.cs:line 827
at SyncPush.SyncPushJob.doSyncJob() in E:\p4\main\Source.NET\Cloud\src\SyncPush\SyncPush.cs:line 273


according to code:

		private void NativeDataSocketSendAsMuchAsPossible(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)
				this._sslStream.Write(buffer, offset, size);
			catch (IOException)
				throw new SocketException();
			catch (Exception)
				// Due to a bug in the Mono Ssl code (namely in the MobileAuthenticatedStream methods)
				// it can raise AggregateException
				// Unfortunately we cannot here properly catch AggregateException here, so we have to catch everything
				// and to re-raise a more expected exception
				throw new SocketException();

only SocketException can be raised.

according to documentation:

I think, the last error code was 0 so it treats it as The operation completed successfully.

Hello Evgeny,

I have an application which sends a large amount of data which systematically generates this exception.

See the callstack below:

Exception in collectAndUploadData(testapb)
Date/time: 2023-04-11 10:21:28
Computer name: W10DEVELFV2
User name: admin
Operating system: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
System up time: -22.08:25:21.9060000
Program up time: 00:02:07.0485021 (start time 2023-04-11 10:19:21)
Physical memory: 37836.1/ 65535.5MB
Process: “E:\p4\main\Source.NET\Cloud\src\CloudCollect\bin\Debug\CloudCollectFW.exe” testapb testapp 10002
Version: CloudCollectFW, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null v23.2.1.3
.NET runtime: v4.0.30319
Path: E:\p4\main\Source.NET\Cloud\src\CloudCollect\bin\Debug

Exception: The operation completed successfully [Source:RemObjects.SDK]
at RemObjects.SDK.SslConnection.NativeDataSocketSendAsMuchAsPossible(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)
at RemObjects.SDK.SslConnection.DataSocketSendAsMuchAsPossible(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)
at RemObjects.SDK.Connection.DataSocketSend(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)
at RemObjects.SDK.Connection.Send(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)
at RemObjects.SDK.Http.HttpOutgoingRequestResponse.WriteBodyToConnection(Connection connection)
at RemObjects.SDK.Http.HttpClient.TryDispatch(HttpClientRequest request)
at RemObjects.SDK.IpHttpClientChannel.IntDispatch(Stream request, IMessage response)
at RemObjects.SDK.ClientChannel.Dispatch(IMessage message)
at OffCloudServer.SyncServerService_Proxy.feedSyncTableData(String& jsonSyncResponse, Binary data, String fragmentStartKey, Boolean bDestinationFragmentHasRecords, Boolean bConsiderFragmentPartial, SyncHashEntry& hash, String& errormsg) in E:\p4\main\Source.NET\base\OffCloudServerClient\RemoteServer_Intf.cs:line 3158
at CloudCollect.UploadCloudData.uploadListToCloudCollectServer[T](CloudServerClient syncserverclient, Type elemType, IEnumerable`1 list) in E:\p4\main\Source.NET\Cloud\src\CloudCollect\UploadCloudData.cs:line 288
at CloudCollect.UploadCloudData.collectAndUploadData(String apb, String appname, String appversion) in E:\p4\main\Source.NET\Cloud\src\CloudCollect\UploadCloudData.cs:line 386

FYI: This is the IROService function that fails
bool feedSyncTableData(ref string jsonSyncResponse, RemObjects.SDK.Types.Binary data, string fragmentStartKey, bool bDestinationFragmentHasRecords, bool bConsiderFragmentPartial, out SyncHashEntry hash, out string errormsg);

We set these properties
if (message is RemObjects.SDK.BinMessage)
((RemObjects.SDK.BinMessage)message).MaxMessageSize = Int32.MaxValue;
((RemObjects.SDK.BinMessage)message).MaxDecompressedMessageSize = Int32.MaxValue;
((RemObjects.SDK.BinMessage)message).UseCompression = true; // FVC: Note: By default true

FYI: We also set
if (this.clientChannel is RemObjects.SDK.IpHttpClientChannel)
((RemObjects.SDK.IpHttpClientChannel)this.clientChannel).Timeout = 5 * 60; // FVC: To check if this works
but this is probably not relevant

The tabledata.Length is 142MB

FYI: I don’t know if it is related but this was another error we received. The sending seems to work but the decompressing fails

Exception: Invalid BinMessage signature found

Message size limit was reached while trying to decompress the message: 5242880 [Source:RemObjects.SDK]
bij RemObjects.SDK.BinHeader.ReadFromStream(Stream stream)
bij RemObjects.SDK.BinMessage.InternalReadFromStream(Stream stream)
bij RemObjects.SDK.Message.ReadFromStream(Stream stream)
bij RemObjects.SDK.IpHttpClientChannel.IntDispatch(Stream request, IMessage response)
bij RemObjects.SDK.ClientChannel.Dispatch(IMessage message)
bij OffCloudServer.SyncServerService_Proxy.feedSyncTableData(String& jsonSyncResponse, Binary data, String fragmentStartKey, Boolean bDestinationFragmentHasRecords, Boolean bConsiderFragmentPartial, SyncHashEntry& hash, String& errormsg)
bij CloudCollect.UploadCloudData.uploadListToCloudCollectServer[T](CloudServerClient syncserverclient, Type elemType, IEnumerable`1 list)
bij CloudCollect.UploadCloudData.collectAndUploadData(String apb, String appname, String appversion)

Is there some server maxmessagesize param we shoud set?


try to set

((RemObjects.SDK.BinMessage)message).EnforceMaxMessageSize = false;

it should remove Message size limit was reached while trying to decompress the message error

OK, I added this parameter. I don’t know how to reproduce this last issue so I cannot tell if it is fixed.
FYI: I set this value now for all my RO connections, is there any drawback to the option? It is not very clear why this is an option.
The documentation on BinMessage would even let me believe that maximizing the message sizes should prevent the need for this enforce parameter


from BinMessage.EnforceMaxMessageSize :

FYI: My link contained less info : BinMessage

FYI 2: I still think that the documentation lets me believe that maximizing the message sizes should prevent the need for this enforce parameter to be false

Please let me know when you have a solution for the operation succeeded exception

Documentation the same on both sites: BinMessage.EnforceMaxMessageSize

these options were added a long time ago when pc hadn’t a lot of memory.
ofc, this isn’t suitable for DA requests with The tabledata.Length is 142MB :slight_smile:

I think, this error can appear when you are trying to send a lot of data in one response.

can you send data in smaller chunks? say, 5-10 MB
We have the Extended File Transfer sample (.NET) that demonstrates how to send data in small chunks.

by other hand, you can use TOP and SKIP in DA SQL requests. it will allow to decrease size of response

as a result, this error should disappear

  1. You are right about the documentation, i did a search with a trailing space
  2. We use HTTP for now and it is not trivial to switch. Does this mean you do not consider this a bug and that it won’t be fixed?


I think, error is raised when you are trying to send a very big data so an exception is happened during this process. this is bottleneck.

I recommend to decrease request/response size. it will allow to send such trunks faster and it should resolve this issue.


It looks like the EnforceMaxMessageSize solution does not work.
I have reduced the tabledata (to 100000 records) and I still get this (for ~50MB)

Exception: Invalid BinMessage signature found

Message size limit was reached while trying to decompress the message: 5242880 [Source:RemObjects.SDK]
at RemObjects.SDK.BinHeader.ReadFromStream(Stream stream)
at RemObjects.SDK.BinMessage.InternalReadFromStream(Stream stream)
at RemObjects.SDK.Message.ReadFromStream(Stream stream)
at RemObjects.SDK.IpHttpClientChannel.IntDispatch(Stream request, IMessage response)
at RemObjects.SDK.ClientChannel.Dispatch(IMessage message)
at OffCloudServer.SyncServerService_Proxy.feedSyncTableData(String& jsonSyncResponse, Binary data, String fragmentStartKey, Boolean bDestinationFragmentHasRecords, Boolean bConsiderFragmentPartial, SyncHashEntry& hash, String& errormsg) in E:\p4\main\Source.NET\base\OffCloudServerClient\RemoteServer_Intf.cs:line 3158
at CloudCollect.UploadCloudData.uploadListToCloudCollectServer[T](CloudServerClient syncserverclient, Type elemType, IEnumerable`1 list) in E:\p4\main\Source.NET\Cloud\src\CloudCollect\UploadCloudData.cs:line 295
at CloudCollect.UploadCloudData.collectAndUploadData(String apb, String appname, String appversion) in E:\p4\main\Source.NET\Cloud\src\CloudCollect\UploadCloudData.cs:line 401


odd, this error is raised as:

public void ReadFromCompressedStream(Stream stream, Int32 maxSize, Boolean enforceMaxSize)
	if (enforceMaxSize && (size > maxSize))
		throw new SerializerException("Message size limit was reached while trying to decompress the message: " + maxSize);

it was called from

serializer.ReadFromCompressedStream(stream, this.MaxDecompressedMessageSize, this.EnforceMaxMessageSize);

I have checked the client code and all settings are as I stated.
However decompression occurs on the server side (i presume). Are you sure I don’t need to adjust server code?


I’ve already suggested to change server-side code:

It was unclear you were talking about server code. I don’t (explicitely) use a BinMessage in my server code.
How can I set this?
I notice a ServerMessage property in my INetworkServer object (serverROHTTPs_.NetworkServer.ServerMessage)
Is it sufficient if I set the EnforceMaxMessageSize there (and on the client for large client downloads)?

FYI: Is there a way to know the exception I receive is a server exception?

FYI2: Even for 5MB data I get the error without the enforce. How come the default configuration is so limited? What is the use/advantage of enforce=true?


You can set it like

		BinMessage message = new BinMessage();
		// Set properties here
		message.EnforceMaxMessageSize = false;

All server exceptions are descendants of ServerException

Some channels like super tcp also have limitation for package size.
I suggest to review error messages and detect in RO/DA code what settings cause such errors.

Imagine that your server is a chat server and you should protect it from big inappropriate requests.

these limitations will reject these big requests on channel or message level w/o processing it

note: these limitations were added initially to Remoting SDK in 2004