What is the difference... MasterOptions vs DetailOptions

Hi guys.

The documentation says

MasterOptions (declared in TDADataTable)

Controls how changes to the master affect the detail table in a Master/Detail relationship.

DetailOptions (declared in TDADataTable)
Specifies how changes to the master affect the detail table in a Master/Detail relationship.

Controls vs Specifies? whats the real difference?

MasterOptions provides set of options that will work only if table is master table in m/d relation and has details tables
DetailsOptions provides additional set of options that work only if table is detail table in m/d relation and it has master.

in brief, for m/d/d relation,
1st table will use MasterOptions only
2nd table will use MasterOptions and DetailsOptions, because it has both roles.
3rd table will use DetailsOptions only

other example. master has 2 details tables
if master table has moAllInOneFetch, 1st detail has dtIncludeInAllInOneFetch and 2nd detail hasn’t, only master and 1st detail will be fetched on one call.

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