Wrong symbols in debug file (pdb) for Island/LLVM

when compiling an island project
some symbols for global variables (S_GDATA32) have wrong type information.

For instance:

PathDelim = '';

is represented with pdb symbol type index of zero, which is “None”
according to, for instance, The PDB TPI and IPI Streams — LLVM 20.0.0git documentation
(should either be a Char, or represented as constant (S_CONSTANT).

Another example:

class var szWindowClass: LPCWSTR := ‘IslandWindowsSample’;

is represented with type index $600, which means “64 bit near pointer” to “None”.

I’m not shure if this is a bug in LLVM or on your side.

Unbenannt.elements (1.2 KB)
Unbenannt.pas (415 Bytes)

Any news on this ?
It seems you (or LLVM) is using this a Widechar, what is a Bug IMHO

Hi, sorry, honestly didn’t check this one yet.
I will take a look.

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Logged as bugs://E27085.