Xamarin 3

Xamarin 3 has added Designer for iOS and I think they already have one for Android, do you guys have any plans to add the designers to your tool-chain?



Seems to me you’d have a hard time beating Xcode/IB for standardization, timely updates, familiarity, etc. Leveraging the standard UI design tool is the right way go to, IMHO. I’d prefer that Marc and Carlo et al spend time on stuff only they can bring to the table in Elements.

I hope they debugged the iOS Designer better than their Android one. When I used Xamarin the Android Designer was crashy as hell and, if you had multiple xml files for different screen sizes, had a nasty tendency of overwriting the wrong one so destroying your layouts.

Nice though it may sound, this sounds like a massive resources pit where you’d be forever chasing after Apple’s changes. As clunky as using the editor in Xcode may be, at least it works.


We’re quite happy with the Xcode designer. We’re working on / planning similar integration with the Android designer, once i can run Android Studio w/o it crashing when i look at it (i.e. it’s far from usable, currently). Developing our own designer, just to tick a checkbox on the website, would be a huge waste of our (very limited) resources, and a disservice to our customers: they’d get a sub-par and destined-to-be-outdated designer, just to fulfill a need that isn’t really there.

The Xcode designer works perfectly, and is maintained well by Apple.

And I thought it was just me and Android Studio crashing.

What about integrating Elements with Xamarin Studio as well as with Visual Studio and Android Studio? Xamarin Studio has a number of new templates (XML) for F# so I gather integration is fairly straightforward. Oxygene on Mac without Windows or VS would appeal to me.


Looking for Mac IDE for Oxygene / C#? Just crawl here and on main RO’s site for keyword “Fire”. We are all waiting for beta testing start

If you need Android visual designer, you can use Intelli IDE to do it and copy the XML codes to your Oxygene/Remobjects C# project, it’s 100% compatible. If you need IOS designer, why not use Apple’s one? It’s the best.

Yeah. Fire + native XCode’s IB (InterfaceBuilder) is a win combination. Same for Android. IMHO, no need for integrated UI designer, only if RO will build something cross-platform like Xamarin Forms.

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We have a better solution for Mac-side development coming up ;). Integrating with MonoDevelop (aka Xamarin Studio) is a pain — we did that ages ago, and the API was too unstable, and changed with every dot-release. It was not feasible for us to keep up with that. Also, Xamarin Studio is the anti-thesis of a “native” Mac app :frowning: