Cannot compile basic Silver project


no problem. I’ll try and repro this in a clean VM or on a Mac that hasn’t seen Xcode yet. Do you recall how you installed there Xcode command line tools? just the installer from Apple’s “More Downloads” section?

For the crash with the Simulator, are you by any chance using the very latest beta, .2263? If so, that crash is a known bug I introduced (see Fire crashes when deploying), and was fixed monday ;). If you’re on an older build, thats probably not the same problem (but not worth narrowing down, then, probably, because the code chnaged a lot for .2263), But either way, I’d like to send you a newer build later today that has the known crash fixed, so we can see if that sorts everything out for you.

What’s your user name on

Update does look like the same issue, even though this is .2255.
