EBuild: Referencing .net standard by mistake

I have the target framework set


and I’ve added a nuget reference

<NuGetReference Include="Newtonsoft.Json:[9.0.1]" />

It looks to me as though its referencing .net standard v1

Shouldnt it just fall back to .net 4.5 ?

This is the projectNewtonConsoleApplication.zip (35.0 KB)


Now sure what i’m supposed to look at in the screenshot.

it resolved to the net45 subfolder for me. which seems correct?

Then I’m confused. I thought that everything under Newtonsoft.Json was its references and I would therefore only see one reference which was itself.

everything under Newtonsoft.Jsaon wa pulled in by that reference, yes. but aside from that, think of all references as a flat list. each one will be expanded on its own, according to the same rules and using the best may thing binary for each reference. if a reference only has a net standard binary but no net45 one, that will be used.

but maybe i’m misunderstanding the problem/confusion?

Based on what the nuget page says, when Im targeting .net 4.5 I thought it only needs newtonsoft.json.

Why is everything else being pulled in ?

If it did have system references wouldnt they come from mono ?

no idea. i’ll check.