Fire is not finding dlls

Fire version:

I am getting this error:

An exception occurred in test, thread 0001 ()

Type: System.DllNotFoundException



Call Stack:

000000000000001e, System.Data.SQLite.dll, (null), SQLite3.StaticIsInitialized, (null)
0000000000000000, System.Data.SQLite.dll, (null), SQLiteLog.Initialize, (null)
000000000000001c, System.Data.SQLite.dll, (null), SQLiteConnection..ctor, (null)
0000000000000003, System.Data.SQLite.dll, (null), SQLiteConnection..ctor, (null)
0000000000000080, dbm.dll, DBMSqlite.swift, DBMSqlite.connect__host__database__user__password, (null)
000000000000003b, test.exe, test_dbm.swift, __Global.main, (null)

But the dll are set in project correctly. Like you can see below:

If you click the button “Reveal in Finder” you will go to folder and will find the dll and it is copied to bin folder.

for one, this doesn’t look like a Fire issue, but a runtime error finding a dll when the app runs?? for another, i don’t see a reference to SQLite in the project, and thats not a standard framework .dll. i’m guessing DBM (never heard of it) somehow tries to load that?

The expected DLL is the 3rd from bottom to top at references list.

Really hard to judge/comment when all i see is a cropped screenshot. I do nt see DBM.dll in the part of the references list that yo posted.

The DLLs base, dbm, reob are all part of the solution.
The another is test, that is what I am running. All dlls are generated at debug/bin folder, including System.Data.SQLite that is copied there, but when I try to run appear this message.

can you send us a full project that shows the problem?

Follow a full project showing the error. (1.2 MB)

Any update about this problem?
Bug was identified?

I’m out of office this week, so no :wink:

Bug identified?

i’ll have a look today.

It looks like you’re using a Windows-speciifc version of the SQLite dll. SQLite ships with several versions, try using one marked for cross-platform/Mono use.

I downloaded the SQLite DLLs again but the same error is still occurring.

Not sure what to tell you. The dll you are using is Windows specific, it will never work. There is a different SQLite.Data.dll version that supports Mono and does not contain Win32 code — you must still be using the wrong one.

I downloaded that .Net version from SQLite site but even changing the DLL the same error continue appearing.

send me your latest version of the project and 'all have a look tomorrow.

Follow the same project with the DLL replaced. (1.3 MB)

And the dowloaded file that include the SQLite DLL: (2.3 MB)

That is the Precompiled Binaries for .NET found at SQLite site.

This was working at an old beta prior this final release: with the original DLL provided.

The error is System.DllNotFoundException not an error while running the DLL, then I think that is something related with the relative path generated by compiler.

Any update about it?
Is a relative path problem like I thought?

it’s the frickin weekend.

I was asking because you said it yesterday. I found strange because will be Sunday but … :innocent: