How to override generic method in silver?

When overriding generic method in silver I get this:

error JE10: Automatically generated generic type adapter method for "nextObject() -> T?" clashes with existing "nextObject() -> T?"

reference code (overrides Enumerator nextObject() defined in in this thread):

   public override func nextObject() -> T? {
    	let entityToReturn: T? = (_nonLazySequenceIteretorIndex < _nonLazyTileSequence.count) ? _nonLazyTileSequence[_nonLazySequenceIteretorIndex] : nil
    	_nonLazySequenceIteretorIndex += 1
    	return entityToReturn

(I can resolve it by removing override and therefore hiding the superclass implementation)

Thanks, logged as bugs://75332

bugs://75332 got closed with status fixed.

Logged as bugs://i63319.

bugs://i63319 was closed as fixed.