Silver's non-generic generic type subclass produce weird error in while building

IDE: Android Studio
Target (If relevant): Android
Java is giving extremely weird error when compiling android project with Elements generated .jar,
when you define a non-generic type that is subclass of generic type with a concrete type.

Error:(44, 29) error: cannot access TilesetEnumerator

bad class file: /Users/hurden/Developer/asset_core/geoMapper/GeoMapper.Android/app/libs/geoBingAnCore.Android.jar(geobingancore/android/TilesetEnumerator.class)
undeclared type variable: T
Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the class path.

Reference code:

public class TilesetEnumerator: Enumerator<TileID> {
	#if !COOPER
	public enum Error: ErrorType {
		case StartingNodeOutsideTileset
	let tileset: Set<TileID>
	let startingTile: TileID
	private var _nonLazyTileSequence = [TileID]()
	private var _nonLazySequenceIteretorIndex: Int = 0
	public init(tileset: Set<TileID>, startingTile: TileID) throws {
		if !tileset.contains(startingTile){
			#if COOPER
			throw Exception("Starting node outside tileset")
			throw Error.StartingNodeOutsideTileset
		self.tileset = tileset
		self.startingTile = startingTile
		_breadthFirstSequenceRecursiveGenerate(withTileset: tileset, notToVisit: Set<TileID>(), nextToVisit: [startingTile])
	public override func nextObject() -> TileID? {
		let entityToReturn: TileID? = (_nonLazySequenceIteretorIndex < _nonLazyTileSequence.count) ? _nonLazyTileSequence[_nonLazySequenceIteretorIndex] : nil
		_nonLazySequenceIteretorIndex += 1
		return entityToReturn

	//clockwise from top
	private func _breadthFirstSequenceRecursiveGenerate(withTileset tileset: Set<TileID>, notToVisit: Set<TileID>, nextToVisit:[TileID]){
		if let currentElement = nextToVisit.first {
			var next__NextToVisit = nextToVisit
			var next__NotToVisit = notToVisit
			//yes it will insert any element except very first for a second time, don't really care, it is a set anyway
			//if we are not on the edge of the world, check if
			if let nextTop = try? TileID(x: currentElement.x, y: currentElement.y + 1, level: currentElement.level)
				where tileset.contains(nextTop) && !notToVisit.contains(nextTop) {
			if let nextRight = try? TileID(x: currentElement.x + 1, y: currentElement.y , level: currentElement.level)
				where tileset.contains(nextRight) && !notToVisit.contains(nextRight) {
			if let nextBottom = try? TileID(x: currentElement.x, y: currentElement.y - 1 , level: currentElement.level)
				where tileset.contains(nextBottom) && !notToVisit.contains(nextBottom) {
			if let nextLeft = try? TileID(x: currentElement.x - 1, y: currentElement.y, level: currentElement.level)
				where tileset.contains(nextLeft) && !notToVisit.contains(nextLeft) {
			_breadthFirstSequenceRecursiveGenerate(withTileset: tileset, notToVisit: next__NotToVisit, nextToVisit: next__NextToVisit)


	import java.util
#elseif ECHOES
	import System.Collections.Generic
#elseif NOUGAT
	import Foundation

__mapped public class Enumerator<T> => Foundation.NSEnumerator {
	public func nextObject() -> T? { return __mapped.nextObject() }
	public var allObjects: Array<T> { return __mapped.allObjects.mutableCopy }

public class Enumerator<T> {
	public func nextObject() -> T? {

extension Enumerator {
	public var allObjects: Array<T> {
		var allObjectCollection = [T]()
		let element: T?
		while ( (element = self.nextObject()) != nil ){
		return allObjectCollection

extension Enumerator: Iterable<T> {
	internal class Iterator<T>: java.util.Iterator<T> {
		private let _enumerator: Enumerator<T>
		init(enumerator: Enumerator<T>){
			_enumerator = enumerator
		public func next() -> T {
			return _enumerator.nextObject()!
		public func hasNext() -> Bool {
			return ((_enumerator.nextObject() != nil) ? true : false)
		public func remove() {
	public func iterator() -> java.util.Iterator<T>! {
		return Iterator(enumerator: self)
	//for glueing it to java.util.Iterator
	public func remove() {

#elseif ECHOES
extension Enumerator: IEnumerable<T> {
	internal class EchoesEnumerator: IEnumerator<T> {
		private let _enumerator: Enumerator<T>
		private var _savedValue: T?
		init(enumerator: Enumerator<T>){
			_enumerator = enumerator
			_savedValue = _enumerator.nextObject()
		@Implements(System.Collections.IEnumerator.Type, "Current")
		public var CurrentI: Object! {
			return self.Current
		public var Current: T {
			//if enumerator returns nil for the first element - NullReferenceException will follow...
			return _savedValue!
		public func MoveNext() -> Bool {
			_savedValue = _enumerator.nextObject()
			return (_savedValue != nil)
		public func Reset() {
		public func Dispose() {
	@Implements(System.Collections.IEnumerable.Type, "GetEnumerator")
	public func GetEnumeratorI() -> System.Collections.IEnumerator!  {
		return EchoesEnumerator(enumerator: self)
	public func GetEnumerator() -> IEnumerator<T> {
		return EchoesEnumerator(enumerator: self)
	//for glueing it to System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<T>
	public func Reset() {
	public func Dispose() {
		//override if IDisposable functionality needed 


/* A Mirrored Implementation for Swift 2.2

public class Enumerator<T> {
	public func nextObject() -> T? {

extension Enumerator {
	public var allObjects: [T] {
		return Array(self)

extension Enumerator: SequenceType {
	public func generate() -> Generator<T> {
		return Generator(enumerator: self)

public struct Generator<T>: GeneratorType {
	let enumerator: Enumerator<T>
	public mutating func next() -> T? {
		return enumerator.nextObject()

@noreturn internal func RequiresConcreteImplementation(fn fn: String = #function){
	fatalError("\(fn) must be overriden in subclass implementations")

If this can be resolved I guess It will be meaningful to contribute this Enumerator as the cross-platform SequenceType abstraction inside SwiftBaseLibrary…

More feedback:
There is no such problem when TilesetEnumerator is itself generic type.

Thanks, logged as bugs://75330


Just tried to compile this (had to comment out 1 method because I didn’t have tileid) and I’m not getting an error like that. When do you get that error?

My testcase:

import java.util

public class TileID {

public class TilesetEnumerator: Enumerator<TileID> {
    let tileset: Set<TileID>
    let startingTile: TileID
    private var _nonLazyTileSequence = [TileID]()
    private var _nonLazySequenceIteretorIndex: Int = 0
    public init(tileset: Set<TileID>, startingTile: TileID) throws {
        if !tileset.contains(startingTile){
            #if COOPER
            throw Exception("Starting node outside tileset")
            throw Error.StartingNodeOutsideTileset
        self.tileset = tileset
        self.startingTile = startingTile
        //_breadthFirstSequenceRecursiveGenerate(withTileset: tileset, notToVisit: Set<TileID>(), nextToVisit: [startingTile])
    public override func nextObject() -> TileID? {
        let entityToReturn: TileID? = (_nonLazySequenceIteretorIndex < _nonLazyTileSequence.count) ? _nonLazyTileSequence[_nonLazySequenceIteretorIndex] : nil
        _nonLazySequenceIteretorIndex += 1
        return entityToReturn


public class Enumerator<T> {
    public func nextObject() -> T? {

extension Enumerator {
    public var allObjects: Array<T> {
        var allObjectCollection = [T]()
        let element: T?
        while ( (element = self.nextObject()) != nil ){
        return allObjectCollection

extension Enumerator: Iterable<T> {
    internal class Iterator<T>: java.util.Iterator<T> {
        private let _enumerator: Enumerator<T>
        init(enumerator: Enumerator<T>){
            _enumerator = enumerator
        public func next() -> T {
            return _enumerator.nextObject()!
        public func hasNext() -> Bool {
            return ((_enumerator.nextObject() != nil) ? true : false)
        public func remove() {
    public func iterator() -> java.util.Iterator<T>! {
        return Iterator(enumerator: self)
    //for glueing it to java.util.Iterator
    public func remove() {

Not sure if I can reproduce it anymore…
The error was when building android project with already pre-build .jar…

I will update this thread if I can reproduce this.

bugs://75330 got closed with status cannotrepro.

I’m getting exactly that Carlo
Fire 2151
will investigate if it has anything to do with generics…
definitely a possibility

the simplest I can get it down to… (although there are a lot of generics around in this file…)

runAfterDelay(10) { _ = { } }

hope that’s a clue

the other place I’m getting the same error…
there is a closure () -> T passed in to a generic methods do()

but it seems to be on the method declaration … I can comment out the whole method but I still get the error.

Any chance of a simple testcase/repro?

Logged as bugs://i63318.

bugs://i63318 was closed as unable to reproduce.