Http.ExecuteRequestAsJson ClassCastException

Dear reader,

I’ve been starting a basic project in Silver and got a local API that returns the following data:

“description”: “Population on 1 January”,
“id”: 1,
“maxValue”: 520000000,
“minValue”: 0,
“unit”: “people”

Using the Http.ExecuteRequestAsJson method results in a ClassCastException since JSONArray cannot be cast to JSONObject.

The thing that also bothers me is the fact that the execution of the request itself is sync, while the conversion to JSON or String etc. is async.

This bothers me since im willing to do this all async and therefore in Android i’m using an AsyncTask, where in iOS I will use something like dispatch_async. But going async while already executing in the background is kinda weird.

Hope I informed you well enough about the issue i’m facing.

Kind regards,


That sounds like a bug in Sugar. What platform are you using?

Hmm, actually: are you sure that having an array as root element is valid Json? I believe the root always needs to be an object?


Thanks for your quick response.

I used jsonLint to check if it was valid json and it is. It’s just a generated REST API in Java with JAX-RS returning that response.

Im using a shared silver project that has the request code and i use the code in Android on Android 6.0 emulator. Or did you mean my development IDE, since that’s Visual studio 2015.

Thanks in advance!

Hmm, ok. We’ll need to expand/rework the Sugar API to allow non-Object items as root element, then. This will be a breaking change :(. O’ll see what i can do, and when. In the mean time, isn you can change your API to return an object, that would be the bets workaround.

i meant platform — i.e. Android (opposed to .NET or Cocoa), yes. That was before i realized what the issue was; this problem will actually affect all 3 platforms right now, and its a fundamental design issue wit the JsonDocument class, not a small “bug”.

I’ve posted a tentative fix to

Thanks! I’ll pull that one and try it tomorrow.

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I didn’t know what file had the tantative fix or how to use the Sugar project from since it has no .jar file to use as reference. (Sorry im still new)

What I did and what worked for me was using the Http.ExecuteRequestAsString method and with the following utility class to wrap JsonArray’s in a JsonObject with a prefix for example instead of the json supplied in my first post it will look like:
“description”: “Population on 1 January”,
“id”: 1,
“maxValue”: 520000000,
“minValue”: 0,
“unit”: “people”

// Utility class I wrote for wrapping:
public class JsonUtils{

// Method to convert a string that is in json format to a JsonDoc
// without the ClassCastException
// @NOTE: no check performed to identify if valid JSON
// @param jsonArrayKey,                 The key to add if root is a JsonArray
public static func stringToJsonDoc(jsonString: sugar.String, jsonArrayKey: sugar.String) -> sugar.json.JsonDocument{
    var jsonFormattedString = jsonString
    // Make sure it can be converted to a JsonDocument by making it an JsonObject if it is a JsonArray
        jsonFormattedString = "{\"" + jsonArrayKey + "\"" + ":" + jsonFormattedString + "}"
    return sugar.json.JsonDocument.FromString(jsonFormattedString)

// Method to check if a json formatted string is a JsonArray
private static func isJsonArray(jsonString: sugar.String) -> Bool {
    return jsonString.getChars(0) == "["


So the usage of it will be for example:
// response is sugar.HttpResponseContent<sugar.String!>! which is returned by the method Http.ExecuteRequestAsString
var jsonDoc: sugar.json.JsonDocument = JsonUtils.stringToJsonDoc(response.Content, jsonArrayKey:“data”)

Hope this helps someone who is facing the same issue

the github repo has the source; you’ll want the develop branch, and rebuild the Sugar.jar project manually. That, or wait for the next beta drop, Friday.

Of course your workaround will do, as well.

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Sorry for the late response, but i’m probably just retarded since I don’t know how to manually build the Sugar.jar.

I’m also willing to use Sugar.Data for SQLite but I don’t know how to get that included either.

So where can I download the beta drop :slight_smile: ?

Thanks in advance

You can sign up for the beta at


Ah thanks, I signed up but the download section is a bit confusing. It says Silver for Android, Silver for .NET and SIlver for Cocao with Visual studio.

Which one should I grab, since I thought Silver was cross platform (Once I create a shared project) and I need both IOS and Android projects that use the same shared project.

Besides that, does it includes the Sugar.Data to make use of SQLite?

Kind regards

You can grab either, it’s all there same download. It’s just that the beta licenses is granted a separate separate licenses for each platform, thats why it shows three time.s Sugar.Data is included, yes.

Ah thanks, I can’t seem to use Sugar.Data for SQLite, since it just doesn’t recognizes it. Do I have to add the reference or something? If so where can I find the jar for Android?

Can you elaborate on that?

Yah well im using visual studio and auto completion is not there for SQLite or so I cannot create an instance. When I do it results in ‘unknown type’

Hope this clarifies what I ment.

Have you added a reference to the Sugar.Data library, and added the namespace to your using/import statements?

Nope thats my point I don’t know how to get the Sugar.Data library for Android/iOS.

I haven’t been able to build the Sugar project from GitHub myself since it complains about ‘obsolete’ not being allowed to use.

The way you would add any other Reference: right click References, choose Add References, and add Sugar.Data.jar (Android) orc libSugarData.fx (iOS). See for details.

Yah i’m aware of how to add it. But I don’t have the Sugar.Data.jar or libSugarData.fx. I don’t know how to get them since they aren’t included in the installation.

C:\Program Files (x86)\RemObjects Software\Elements\Sugar\Cooper\Android
only contains sugar.jar and not

I hope this file can be uploaded somewhere so I can download it, since I can’t build the Sugar solution from the GitHub repo either since it gives me an error about something like ‘obsolete not allowed’.