iOS: Merge Task Fails

I think this is related, since it only happened since I added this (and am on latest Fire), but I get an issue every time I make a change and build (or clean/build) for the simulator (my phone -13.3 and iPad-12.2 are fine) but it doesn’t happen on that test case above. First build, it stops (standard build log) and fails with 0 errors at

 Reference: /Applications/ SDKs/iOS 13.2 Simulator/Intents.fx

Then looking at the diagnostic level it’s

             -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsDetermineFinalOutput started for myApp.
                -- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsLink skipped for myApp, already ran.
                -> Task Merge started for myApp, Toffee-iOS.
 D:                /Applications/ "/Users/Jeremy/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/myApp-18FE5A069D1EF0020C5E0252A2CD67A596CBDE68/Debug/Toffee-iOS/Simulator/x86_64/HCD Buddy"
 D:                FinalLinkerOutput
 D:                  - <FinalLinkerOutput-Simulator: /Users/Jeremy/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/myApp-18FE5A069D1EF0020C5E0252A2CD67A596CBDE68/Debug/Toffee-iOS/Simulator/x86_64/myApp [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
                <- Task Merge failed for myApp, Toffee-iOS, took 0.2712s (0.2729s).

If I just build it again, it works fine, as it says “Using cached data for LinkerMerge-Simulator.” and the rest of the build goes through.

Any suggestions?

Hmm. the merge fails, but gets cached, so the next build the (failed) cached result gets used? I fixed an issue related to that weeks ago, but haven’t see that since. Can you run a --rebuild with --debug (one that fails, I presume) and send me the log? and.or can I see the project?

Meantime , I’ll dry-review the merge code for a scenario where it would fail, but still cache…

Too be clear, you’re not switching between phone and sim, you stay on simulate as a build target consistently, where this fails? (that said, rebuild always builds device and sim).

FWIW, canot repro this; created a new iOS project, added reference too Intents.fx, made it Weak. Builds fine, sim or device. make a change, build again, still fine. rebuild. fine. Maybe the fill log will help me see whats wrong.

does /Users/Jeremy/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/myApp-18FE5A069D1EF0020C5E0252A2CD67A596CBDE68/Debug/Toffee-iOS/Simulator/x86_64/myApp exist when it says Task Merge failed for myApp?

The only code path I can see Merge failing w/o an explicit error message is if lipo were to fails w/o emitting any errors of its own. But according to the log lipo doesnt even run (I assume you only have one architecture active, which is the default).

I think I have this issue. Im building an iOS app for the simulator in debug mode. When I switch to release and do a rebuild I get this

/Applications/ /Applications/ "--setting:Elements:ToffeeSDKFolder=/Applications/ SDKs" "--setting:Elements:IslandSDKFolder=/Applications/ SDKs" "--setting:Elements:GothamXmlFolder=/Applications/ XMLs" "--setting:Elements:ReferencePathsXMLFolder=/Applications/ Paths with Data Abstract Trial" --setting:Elements:IslandLddExePath=/Applications/ --setting:Elements:ToffeeHelperExePath=/Applications/ /Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Nougat/AppleSignInApp/AppleSignInApp.sln --logger:fire --configuration:Release --setting:EA52154A-0DDD-44E5-93EE-A0FF9B8D8542,Simulator=True --setting:EA52154A-0DDD-44E5-93EE-A0FF9B8D8542,Device=False --debug --statistics --verbosity:diagnostic --xml:/var/folders/51/b5sv97c13sd9zw0q55gqcp5c0000gn/T/ --build
RemObjects EBuild. An open source build engine for Elements and beyond.
Copyright RemObjects Software 2016-2019. All Rights Reserved. Created by marc hoffman.
Version (develop) built on bajor, 20191220-145029. Commit 6dbd2e8.

   -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.BuildSolution started.
      -> Project AppleSignInApp started.
         -- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsProjectPreBuildTask skipped for AppleSignInApp, condition not met.
         -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsBuildProject started for AppleSignInApp.
            -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsExpandCopyToOutputDirectoryPaths started for AppleSignInApp.
            <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsExpandCopyToOutputDirectoryPaths finished for AppleSignInApp, took 0.0742s (0.0997s).
            -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsApplyLegacySettings started for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS.
               Mapping AssemblyName=AppleSignInApp to BinaryName in Target Toffee-iOS
               Mapping CodesignCertificateName=iPhone Developer: John Moshakis (P889E764CP) to CodeSignCertificateName in Target Toffee-iOS
            <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsApplyLegacySettings finished for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS, took 0.0413s (0.0417s).
            -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsSanityCheck started for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS.
            <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsSanityCheck finished for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS, took 0.0020s (0.0030s).
            -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPreparePlatforms started for AppleSignInApp.
               Preparing target 'Toffee-iOS' (platform 'Toffee').
D:             Target-specific Settings, before prepare
D:               - <BinaryName = AppleSignInApp [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <CodeSignCertificateName = iPhone Developer: John Moshakis (P889E764CP) [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <ImpliedConditionalDefines = TOFFEEV1 [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <Mode = Toffee [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <ModeNameResolveOverride = ToffeeV1 [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <SubMode = iOS [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
               -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsDarwinGatherXcodeDetails started for AppleSignInApp.
               <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsDarwinGatherXcodeDetails finished for AppleSignInApp, took 0.0001s (0.0094s).
               -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPreflightToffee started for AppleSignInApp.
                  Toffee SDK Folder found in '/Applications/ SDKs'.
               <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPreflightToffee finished for AppleSignInApp, took 0.0070s (0.0181s).
               -> Task PrepareToffeePlatform started for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS.
D:                Xcode developer folder is '/Applications/'
                  Xcode Version is 11.2.1 (11B500), macOS Version is 10.15.1 (19B88).
D:                Supported iOS SDKs in local FXs:
D:                - iOS 13.2
D:                Supported iOS SDKs in Xcode 11.2.1:
D:                - iOS 13.2
                  No exact iOS SDK version was specified for target 'Toffee-iOS', using 'iOS 13.2'.
               <- Task PrepareToffeePlatform finished for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS, took 0.2338s (0.2541s).
D:             Target-specific Settings, after prepare
D:               - <Architecture = arm64 [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <Architecture-Device = arm64 [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <Architecture-Simulator = x86_64 [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <BinaryName = AppleSignInApp [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <BuildOSBuild = 19B88 [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <BuildOSVersion = 10.15.1 [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <BundleIdentifier-Device = com.moshine.SingleSignIn [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <BundleIdentifier-Simulator = com.moshine.SingleSignIn [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <CodeSignCertificateName = iPhone Developer: John Moshakis (P889E764CP) [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <DeploymentTargetVersion-Device = 13.0 [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <DeploymentTargetVersion-Simulator = 13.0 [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <EntitlementsFile-Device = .\SingleSignIn.entitlements [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <FinalBinaryName = AppleSignInApp [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <FinalOutputFolderOverride-Mac = ../UIKit for Mac [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <FinalOutputFolderOverride-Simulator = ../iOS Simulator [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <IDE:TargetInfo = iOS ; Xcode 11.2.1 (11B500) [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <ImpliedConditionalDefines = TOFFEEV1 [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <IntermedateFolderSuffix-Device = Device [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <IntermedateFolderSuffix-Mac = UIKit for Mac [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <IntermedateFolderSuffix-Simulator = Simulator [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <Mode = Toffee [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <ModeNameResolveOverride = ToffeeV1 [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <SDK = iOS 13.2 [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <SDKBuild-Simulator = 17B102 [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <SDK-Device = iOS 13.2 [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <SDKDisplay-Device = iOS 13.2 [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <SDKDisplay-Simulator = iOS 13.2 [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <SDKFolder = /Applications/ SDKs/iOS 13.2 [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <SDKFolder-Device = /Applications/ SDKs/iOS 13.2 [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <SDKFolderInXcode-Simulator = /Applications/ [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <SDKFolder-Simulator = /Applications/ SDKs/iOS 13.2 Simulator [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <SDKName = iOS [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <SDKName-Device = iOS [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <SDKNameInXcode-Device = iPhoneOS [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <SDKNameInXcode-Mac = MacOSX [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <SDKNameInXcode-Simulator = iPhoneSimulator [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <SDKName-Simulator = iOS [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <SDK-Simulator = iOS 13.2 [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <SDKVersion = 13.2 [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <SDKVersion-Device = 13.2 [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <SDKVersion-Simulator = 13.2 [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <SimulatorArchitecture = x86_64 [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <SubMode = iOS [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <XcodeBuild = 11B500 [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <XcodeVersion = 11.2.1 [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
            <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPreparePlatforms finished for AppleSignInApp, took 0.3362s (0.3413s).
            -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsResolveSourceFiles started for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS.
            <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsResolveSourceFiles finished for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS, took 0.0122s (0.0128s).
            -- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsResolveHeaderImportFiles skipped for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS, condition not met.
            -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPreCompile started for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS.
               -- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPreCompileEchoes skipped for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS, condition not met.
               -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPreCompileToffee started for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS.
                  -- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsToffeeProcessResources skipped for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS, condition not met.
                  -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPreCompileDarwin started for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS.
                     -- Task ProcessCoreMLModels skipped for AppleSignInApp, condition not met.
                     -- Task ProcessIntentDefinitions skipped for AppleSignInApp, condition not met.
                     -- Task ProcessMetalShaders skipped for AppleSignInApp, condition not met.
                  <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPreCompileDarwin finished for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS, took 0.0001s (0.0064s).
               <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPreCompileToffee finished for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS, took 0.0000s (0.0136s).
               -- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPreCompileCooper skipped for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS, condition not met.
               -- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPreCompileIsland skipped for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS, condition not met.
            <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPreCompile finished for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS, took 0.0000s (0.4202s).
            -- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsApplyLegacySettings skipped for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS, already ran.
            -- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPreparePlatforms skipped for AppleSignInApp, already ran.
            -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsCheckForTargetlessReferences started for AppleSignInApp.
            <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsCheckForTargetlessReferences finished for AppleSignInApp, took 0.0317s (0.0325s).
            -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsResolveReferences started for AppleSignInApp.
               -> Target Toffee-iOS started.
D:                Using cached data for ResolveReferences.
                  -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsValidateCachedToffeeReferencesForTarget started for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS.
                  <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsValidateCachedToffeeReferencesForTarget finished for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS, took 0.0039s (0.0044s).
               <- Target Toffee-iOS finished.
            <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsResolveReferences finished for AppleSignInApp, took 0.0425s (0.0861s).
            -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPreCompile2 started for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS.
               -- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPreCompile2Echoes skipped for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS, condition not met.
               -- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPreCompile2Cooper skipped for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS, condition not met.
            <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPreCompile2 finished for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS, took 0.0000s (0.0023s).
            -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsCompile started for AppleSignInApp.
D:             Loading compiler from '/Applications/'
               Compiling target 'Toffee-iOS', Simulator
               -> Target Toffee-iOS started compiling for Simulator.
                  Starting compile for AppleSignInApp Toffee-iOS Simulator
                  RemObjects Elements (Oxygene, C#, Swift and Java) Compiler for .NET, Cocoa, Java and Island.
                  Version (develop) built on bajor, 20191220-145029. Commit 6dbd2e8.
                  Copyright 2003-2019 RemObjects Software, LLC. All rights reserved.
                  Source file: /Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Nougat/AppleSignInApp/AppDelegate.pas
                  Source file: /Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Nougat/AppleSignInApp/ViewController.pas
                  Reference: /Applications/ Paths with Data Abstract Trial/Toffee/../../References/Toffee/iOS Simulator/libElements.fx
                  Reference: /Applications/ Paths with Data Abstract Trial/Toffee/../../References/Toffee/iOS Simulator/libToffee.fx
                  Reference: /Applications/ SDKs/iOS 13.2 Simulator/AuthenticationServices.fx
                  Reference: /Applications/ SDKs/iOS 13.2 Simulator/CoreGraphics.fx
                  Reference: /Applications/ SDKs/iOS 13.2 Simulator/Foundation.fx
                  Reference: /Applications/ SDKs/iOS 13.2 Simulator/rtl-13.0.fx
                  Reference: /Applications/ SDKs/iOS 13.2 Simulator/UIKit.fx
                  Reference: /Applications/ SDKs/iOS 13.2 Simulator/CoreFoundation.fx (implicit)
                  -> Phase Resolving Bodies started.
                     Reference: /Applications/ SDKs/iOS 13.2 Simulator/UserNotifications.fx
                     Reference: /Applications/ SDKs/iOS 13.2 Simulator/CloudKit.fx
                     Reference: /Applications/ SDKs/iOS 13.2 Simulator/QuartzCore.fx
                  <- Phase Resolving Bodies finished, took 4.0916s.
                  -> Phase Checking Members started.
                  <- Phase Checking Members finished, took 0.1990s.
                  -> Phase Generating Helper Types started.
                  <- Phase Generating Helper Types finished, took 0.3107s.
                  -> Phase Inlining Code started.
                  <- Phase Inlining Code finished, took 0.0510s.
                  -> Phase Pre-Simplifying Code started.
                  <- Phase Pre-Simplifying Code finished, took 0.1314s.
                  -> Phase Simplifying Code started.
                  <- Phase Simplifying Code finished, took 0.1534s.
                  -> Phase Flow Analysis started.
                  <- Phase Flow Analysis finished, took 0.0695s.
                  -> Phase Generating Output started.
                     Reference: /Applications/ SDKs/iOS 13.2 Simulator/Intents.fx
                  <- Phase Generating Output finished, took 1.2013s.
               <- Target Toffee-iOS finished compiling for Simulator.
D:             CompilerOutput for Toffee-iOS
D:               - <CompilerOutput-Simulator-x86_64: /Users/JohnMoshakis/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/AppleSignInApp-F9C2D438AF28A12222C23263ADC13DFEF0F3732E/Release/Toffee-iOS/Simulator/x86_64/AppleSignInApp.a [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <CompilerOutput-Simulator-x86_64: /Users/JohnMoshakis/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/AppleSignInApp-F9C2D438AF28A12222C23263ADC13DFEF0F3732E/Release/Toffee-iOS/Simulator/x86_64/AppleSignInApp.o [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:             Link for Toffee-iOS
D:               - <Link-Simulator: AuthenticationServices.framework [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <Link-Simulator: CoreGraphics.framework [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <Link-Simulator: Foundation.framework [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <Link-Simulator: UIKit.framework [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <Link-Simulator: CoreFoundation.framework [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <Link-Simulator: UserNotifications.framework [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <Link-Simulator: CloudKit.framework [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <Link-Simulator: QuartzCore.framework [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <Link-Simulator: Intents.framework [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <Link-Simulator: /Applications/ Paths with Data Abstract Trial/Toffee/../../References/Toffee/iOS Simulator/libElements.a [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:               - <Link-Simulator: /Applications/ Paths with Data Abstract Trial/Toffee/../../References/Toffee/iOS Simulator/libToffee.a [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
            <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsCompile finished for AppleSignInApp, took 11.4167s (11.9299s).
            -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPostCompile started for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS.
               -- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPostCompileEchoes skipped for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS, condition not met.
               -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPostCompileToffee started for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS.
                  -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPostCompileDarwin started for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS.
                  <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPostCompileDarwin finished for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS, took 0.0000s (0.0004s).
               <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPostCompileToffee finished for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS, took 0.0000s (0.0012s).
               -- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPostCompileCooper skipped for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS, condition not met.
               -- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPostCompileIsland skipped for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS, condition not met.
            <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPostCompile finished for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS, took 0.0000s (0.0047s).
            -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsLink started for AppleSignInApp.
               -> Task Link started for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS.
                  -> Phase Linking for Simulator started.
D:                   /Applications/ -arch x86_64 -o "/Users/JohnMoshakis/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/AppleSignInApp-F9C2D438AF28A12222C23263ADC13DFEF0F3732E/Release/Toffee-iOS/Simulator/x86_64/AppleSignInApp" "/Users/JohnMoshakis/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/AppleSignInApp-F9C2D438AF28A12222C23263ADC13DFEF0F3732E/Release/Toffee-iOS/Simulator/x86_64/AppleSignInApp.a" "/Users/JohnMoshakis/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/AppleSignInApp-F9C2D438AF28A12222C23263ADC13DFEF0F3732E/Release/Toffee-iOS/Simulator/x86_64/AppleSignInApp.o" -lSystem -lobjc -lElements -lToffee "-L/Applications/ Paths with Data Abstract Trial/Toffee/../../References/Toffee/iOS Simulator" -framework AuthenticationServices -framework CloudKit -framework CoreFoundation -framework CoreGraphics -framework Foundation -framework Intents -framework QuartzCore -framework UIKit -framework UserNotifications -ios_simulator_version_min 13.0 -ObjC -dynamic -demangle -force_load /Applications/ -dead_strip -rpath @executable_path -rpath @executable_path/Frameworks -objc_abi_version 2 -no_implicit_dylibs -syslibroot /Applications/
                  <- Phase Linking for Simulator finished.
               <- Task Link finished for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS, took 0.5992s (0.6043s).
D:             LinkerOutput
D:               - <LinkerOutput-Simulator-x86_64: /Users/JohnMoshakis/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/AppleSignInApp-F9C2D438AF28A12222C23263ADC13DFEF0F3732E/Release/Toffee-iOS/Simulator/x86_64/AppleSignInApp [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
            <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsLink finished for AppleSignInApp, took 0.6351s (12.5713s).
            -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsDetermineFinalOutput started for AppleSignInApp.
               -- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsLink skipped for AppleSignInApp, already ran.
               -> Task Merge started for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS.
D:                /Applications/ "/Users/JohnMoshakis/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/AppleSignInApp-F9C2D438AF28A12222C23263ADC13DFEF0F3732E/Release/Toffee-iOS/Simulator/x86_64/AppleSignInApp"
D:                FinalLinkerOutput
D:                  - <FinalLinkerOutput-Simulator: /Users/JohnMoshakis/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/AppleSignInApp-F9C2D438AF28A12222C23263ADC13DFEF0F3732E/Release/Toffee-iOS/Simulator/x86_64/AppleSignInApp [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
               <- Task Merge failed for AppleSignInApp, Toffee-iOS, took 1.3282s (1.3294s).
            <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsDetermineFinalOutput failed for AppleSignInApp, took 1.3336s (13.9060s).
         <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsBuildProject failed for AppleSignInApp, took 0.0000s (14.0276s).
      <- Project AppleSignInApp failed, took 14.0334s.
      Project 'AppleSignInApp' failed to build.
      Solution 'AppleSignInApp' failed to build all projects.
   <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.BuildSolution failed for AppleSignInApp, took 14.1389s (14.1979s).

     net time    gross time   task
-------------  ------------   -------------------------------
       0.000s        1.331s   ElementsDetermineFinalOutputToffee 
       0.000s       14.017s   ElementsCopyFinalOutput 
       0.000s       14.027s   ElementsBuildProject 
       0.000s        0.013s   ElementsPreCompileToffee 
       0.000s        0.000s   ElementsPostCompileDarwin 
       0.000s        0.001s   ElementsPostCompileToffee 
       0.000s        0.004s   ElementsPostCompile 
       0.000s        0.420s   ElementsPreCompile 
       0.000s        0.002s   ElementsPreCompile2 
       0.000s        0.006s   ElementsPreCompileDarwin 
       0.000s        0.010s   ElementsDarwinGatherXcodeDetails 
       0.001s        0.003s   ElementsSanityCheck 
       0.003s        0.004s   ElementsValidateCachedToffeeReferencesForTarget 
       0.007s        0.019s   ElementsPreflightToffee 
       0.012s        0.013s   ElementsResolveSourceFiles 
       0.031s        0.039s   ElementsCheckForTargetlessReferences 
       0.041s        0.041s   ElementsApplyLegacySettings 
       0.042s        0.086s   ElementsResolveReferences 
       0.074s        0.109s   ElementsExpandCopyToOutputDirectoryPaths 
       0.233s        0.254s   ElementsPrepareToffeePlatform 
       0.336s        0.341s   ElementsPreparePlatforms 
       0.599s        0.604s   ElementsToffeeLink 
       0.635s       12.571s   ElementsLink 
       1.328s        1.329s   ElementsDarwinMerge 
       1.333s       13.906s   ElementsDetermineFinalOutput 
      11.416s       11.935s   ElementsCompile 
      14.138s       14.197s   BuildSolution

Reproduced, investing now.

oddly, as I type this, I get a crash report from dsymutil. the tools is run as part of Merge if the “Generate .dSYM” option is on, and could explain this. do you get this too?

Its turned on with release but Im not getting a crash

Odd. crashes consistently here; I’m adding an explicit error message now, the dsymutil fails without emitting its own. Does turning off generate .dSYM fix the issue? also, what happens if you run

/Applications/ "/Users/JohnMoshakis/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/AppleSignInApp-F9C2D438AF28A12222C23263ADC13DFEF0F3732E/Release/Toffee-iOS/Simulator/x86_64/AppleSignInApp"

manually, does it run ok and generate the file/

here’s the crash I get:

Thread 3 Crashed:
0   dsymutil                      	0x000000010b1198df llvm::dsymutil::DwarfLinker::DIECloner::cloneExpression(llvm::DataExtractor&, llvm::DWARFExpression, llvm::dsymutil::DebugMapObject const&, llvm::dsymutil::CompileUnit&, llvm::SmallVectorImpl<unsigned char>&) + 671
1   dsymutil                      	0x000000010b12e424 std::__1::__function::__func<llvm::dsymutil::DwarfLinker::DIECloner::cloneAllCompileUnits(llvm::DWARFContext&, llvm::dsymutil::DebugMapObject const&, std::__1::map<unsigned long long, llvm::dsymutil::DebugMapObjectRange, std::__1::less<unsigned long long>, std::__1::allocator<std::__1::pair<unsigned long long const, llvm::dsymutil::DebugMapObjectRange> > >&, llvm::dsymutil::StrongType<llvm::dsymutil::NonRelocatableStringpool, llvm::dsymutil::OffsetsTag>&, bool)::$_1, std::__1::allocator<llvm::dsymutil::DwarfLinker::DIECloner::cloneAllCompileUnits(llvm::DWARFContext&, llvm::dsymutil::DebugMapObject const&, std::__1::map<unsigned long long, llvm::dsymutil::DebugMapObjectRange, std::__1::less<unsigned long long>, std::__1::allocator<std::__1::pair<unsigned long long const, llvm::dsymutil::DebugMapObjectRange> > >&, llvm::dsymutil::StrongType<llvm::dsymutil::NonRelocatableStringpool, llvm::dsymutil::OffsetsTag>&, bool)::$_1>, void (llvm::StringRef, llvm::SmallVectorImpl<unsigned char>&)>::operator()(llvm::StringRef&&, llvm::SmallVectorImpl<unsigned char>&) + 116
2   dsymutil                      	0x000000010b13137e llvm::dsymutil::DwarfStreamer::emitLocationsForUnit(llvm::dsymutil::CompileUnit const&, llvm::DWARFContext&, std::__1::function<void (llvm::StringRef, llvm::SmallVectorImpl<unsigned char>&)>) + 1006
3   dsymutil                      	0x000000010b121d52 llvm::dsymutil::DwarfLinker::DIECloner::cloneAllCompileUnits(llvm::DWARFContext&, llvm::dsymutil::DebugMapObject const&, std::__1::map<unsigned long long, llvm::dsymutil::DebugMapObjectRange, std::__1::less<unsigned long long>, std::__1::allocator<std::__1::pair<unsigned long long const, llvm::dsymutil::DebugMapObjectRange> > >&, llvm::dsymutil::StrongType<llvm::dsymutil::NonRelocatableStringpool, llvm::dsymutil::OffsetsTag>&, bool) + 3314
4   dsymutil                      	0x000000010b128437 llvm::dsymutil::DwarfLinker::link(llvm::dsymutil::DebugMap const&)::$_3::operator()(unsigned long) const + 407
5   dsymutil                      	0x000000010b12eb48 std::__1::__function::__func<llvm::dsymutil::DwarfLinker::link(llvm::dsymutil::DebugMap const&)::$_6, std::__1::allocator<llvm::dsymutil::DwarfLinker::link(llvm::dsymutil::DebugMap const&)::$_6>, void ()>::operator()() + 184
6   dsymutil                      	0x000000010b99bf08 std::__1::packaged_task<void ()>::operator()() + 72
7   dsymutil                      	0x000000010b99be41 void* std::__1::__thread_proxy<std::__1::tuple<std::__1::unique_ptr<std::__1::__thread_struct, std::__1::default_delete<std::__1::__thread_struct> >, llvm::ThreadPool::ThreadPool(unsigned int)::$_0> >(void*) + 417
8   libsystem_pthread.dylib       	0x00007fff63e2de65 _pthread_start + 148
9   libsystem_pthread.dylib       	0x00007fff63e2983b thread_start + 15

And when I run it manually I get

➜  Floorshow:~ # /Users/mh/Applications/ "/Users/mh/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/EmptyProject47-5BF060AD37F842C60CDE01925F272C57DC7B1BC9/Release/Toffee-iOS/Simulator/x86_64/EmptyProject47"
[1]    321 segmentation fault   
➜  Floorshow:~ # 

I also fixed that the Merge task would marked as cached when it failed, and would then be skipped “successfully” (when it should not) for subsequent builds — the secondary symptom Jeremy reported.

As for the actual crash — no idea. Could be a new Catalina or Xcode bug, or could be a change in what the compiler generates (which I’ll have to check with the compiler team next week).

Thanks, logged as bugs://83713

I do see it now, I was looking in the wrong place.

With the latest Fire (on a different iMac though, this one has Catalina, the other Mojave), I’m getting “Generation of .dSYM with dsymutil failed.” at the merge point. If I turn off the generate dsym option, then it works.

Yep, that was ultimately the root cause for the problem, before (dsymutil crashes). thats not fixed (not sure ing thats our bug or Apple’s, yet), I only fixed that EBuild reports this better, and that EBuild doesnt erroneously treats the failed task as “cached” and skips it the next time.

Excellent, thanks for the confirmation. Let me know if you need a debug log/project, or anything else I can help with.

Na, it crashes here for me too, even for an empty iOS app. either Apple broke dsymutil, or the latest LLVM update broke something with hw debug info is generated that dsymutil can’t handle. Carlo will beed to check that when he’s back next week.

I’m getting a different error now, on a different project, and only with the latest Fire, which may be related to this given it’s the merge task. Here’s part of the log (diagnostic):

  -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsDetermineFinalOutput started for LogOnn.
               -- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsLink skipped for LogOnn, already ran.
               -> Task Merge started for LogOnn, Toffee-iOS.
D:                 "/Users/Jeremy/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/LogOnn-A29754483E035F7E930AFA68640D1BD1F6FCD444/Debug/Toffee-iOS/Simulator/x86_64/Logonn"
E:                Cannot start process because a file name has not been provided.
D:                |   at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start () [0x00024] in <941ebb8882be4253838e6c131932f7c6>:0 .
D:                |   at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Diagnostics.Process.Start().
D:                |   at RemObjects.Elements.RTL.Process.RunAsync (System.String aCommand, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] aArguments, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] aEnvironment, System.String aWorkingDirectory, $Delegate_aLine$_`1[Par0] aStdOutCallback, $Delegate_aLine$_`1[Par0] aStdErrCallback, $Delegate_aExitCode$_`1[Par0] aFinishedCallback) [0x00108] in <ac72547fa7254fd2b80955904b4fd763>:0 .
D:                |   at RemObjects.Elements.RTL.Process.Run (System.String aCommand, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] aArguments, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] aEnvironment, System.String aWorkingDirectory, $Delegate_aLine$_`1[Par0] aStdOutCallback, $Delegate_aLine$_`1[Par0] aStdErrCallback) [0x0000e] in <ac72547fa7254fd2b80955904b4fd763>:0 .
D:                |   at RemObjects.EBuild.EBuildTask.RunTool (System.String aTool, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] aArguments, System.String aWorkingDirectory, $Delegate_aLine$_`1[Par0] aHandler) [0x00057] in <31ec06cc18c8490fbaf07d21891f9ca2>:0 .
D:                |   at RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsDarwinMerge.Execute () [0x00e20] in <afc8d159e955486d99970817fa1ca32e>:0 .
D:                |   at RemObjects.EBuild.EBuildContext.RunTask________forTarget (RemObjects.EBuild.EBuildTask+MetaClass aTask, RemObjects.EBuild.EBuildValues aSettings, RemObjects.EBuild.EBuildObjects aObjects, RemObjects.EBuild.EBuildTarget aTarget) [0x003a2] in <31ec06cc18c8490fbaf07d21891f9ca2>:0 .
               <- Task Merge failed with exception Cannot start process because a file name has not been provided. for LogOnn, Toffee-iOS, took 0.0000s (0.0126s).
D:             |   at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start () [0x00024] in <941ebb8882be4253838e6c131932f7c6>:0 
D:             |   at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()
D:             |   at RemObjects.Elements.RTL.Process.RunAsync (System.String aCommand, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] aArguments, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] aEnvironment, System.String aWorkingDirectory, $Delegate_aLine$_`1[Par0] aStdOutCallback, $Delegate_aLine$_`1[Par0] aStdErrCallback, $Delegate_aExitCode$_`1[Par0] aFinishedCallback) [0x00108] in <ac72547fa7254fd2b80955904b4fd763>:0 
D:             |   at RemObjects.Elements.RTL.Process.Run (System.String aCommand, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] aArguments, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] aEnvironment, System.String aWorkingDirectory, $Delegate_aLine$_`1[Par0] aStdOutCallback, $Delegate_aLine$_`1[Par0] aStdErrCallback) [0x0000e] in <ac72547fa7254fd2b80955904b4fd763>:0 
D:             |   at RemObjects.EBuild.EBuildTask.RunTool (System.String aTool, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] aArguments, System.String aWorkingDirectory, $Delegate_aLine$_`1[Par0] aHandler) [0x00057] in <31ec06cc18c8490fbaf07d21891f9ca2>:0 
D:             |   at RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsDarwinMerge.Execute () [0x00e20] in <afc8d159e955486d99970817fa1ca32e>:0 
D:             |   at RemObjects.EBuild.EBuildContext.RunTask________forTarget (RemObjects.EBuild.EBuildTask+MetaClass aTask, RemObjects.EBuild.EBuildValues aSettings, RemObjects.EBuild.EBuildObjects aObjects, RemObjects.EBuild.EBuildTarget aTarget) [0x003a2] in <31ec06cc18c8490fbaf07d21891f9ca2>:0 
            <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsDetermineFinalOutput failed for LogOnn, took 0.0138s (0.1661s).
         <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsBuildProject failed for LogOnn, took 0.0000s (0.1776s).
      <- Project LogOnn failed, took 0.1778s.

and here is the relevant log from Fire .2569:

-> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsDetermineFinalOutput started for LogOnn.
       -- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsLink skipped for LogOnn, already ran.
       -> Task Merge started for LogOnn, Toffee-iOS.
D:                /Applications/ "/Users/Jeremy/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/LogOnn-A29754483E035F7E930AFA68640D1BD1F6FCD444/Debug/Toffee-iOS/Simulator/x86_64/Logonn"
D:                FinalLinkerOutput
D:                  - <FinalLinkerOutput-Simulator: /Users/Jeremy/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/LogOnn-A29754483E035F7E930AFA68640D1BD1F6FCD444/Debug/Toffee-iOS/Simulator/x86_64/Logonn [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
D:                  - <FinalLinkerOutput-Simulator: /Users/Jeremy/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/LogOnn-A29754483E035F7E930AFA68640D1BD1F6FCD444/Debug/Toffee-iOS/Simulator/x86_64/Logonn.dSYM [Target: Toffee-iOS]>
       <- Task Merge finished for LogOnn, Toffee-iOS, took 1.3949s (1.3953s).

Hmm. seems like my change to us the local dsymutil isn’t working properly. I’ll investigate.

Is this from Fire with internal compiler, or external? can I get the full command like from for ebuild, from the top of the build log?


Oddly, works ok for me

D:                /Users/mh/Code/Elements/Bin/dsymutil "/Users/mh/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/Weather for iOS-42254D592D0B9CF6E01AF8E45FFC38B87E051307/Release/Toffee-iOS/Device/arm64/Weather"

If you’re using external compiler, do you have dsymutil in your Bin folder?

Found it; Embedded compiler is missing dsymutil, Fiore passes empty --setting:Elements:DSymUtilExePath= to EBuild and EBuild doesnt ignore that empty setting as it should. Fixed on both ends; workaround for now is to use the external compiler. my apologies.