No output for command line exe

the simple hello world program compiles, but there is no output?
I have looked at the other command line topics but no one mentions this.
I have to use the command line till someone fixes the installation problem with old licenses.
Here is the code.

(* compile with elements.exe *)
namespace MyFirstApp;


	(*Program = class*)
	ConsoleApp = class
	class method Main(args: array of String): Int32;

class method ConsoleApp.Main(args: array of String): Int32;
	System.Console.Writeline('Hello oxygene world!');

So everything after the end period is ignored.

Not sure what you mean. When I compile and run this executable i get the output as expected

Is your project’s output type set to Exe or WinExe?

Well, the exe ‘seems’ to run, but I see no characters displayed in the console. I run console programs all the time, and the programs compiled with elements successfully compile and ‘run’ but I do not see any output.
Perhaps it is related to my installation problem with the trial version of elements.

I do not know how to do that because I am the guy with the expired license problem installing elements. As a temporary thing I am compiling and executing from a console window. This used to work before I ‘upgraded’ to the present version nine.
Paul Breen

are you building by passing .pas files, or an .elements file to Elements.exe?

It is a file with the ‘pas’ extension.

Sorry for the delay. you might need to pass --type=exe to the compiler in that case, because the default probably is winexe, and winexe executables are gui-only and don’t get a console.